Board of Education Member Doing His Part Supporting Schools Amid Custodian Shortage

It seems like a custodian’s work is never done in our schools and buildings and now more than ever it is a challenge to keep up. That’s because we have a serious shortage of custodians districtwide. Anyone who can is helping out to keep schools clean, including assistant principals and other staff. Now, a Jordan School District Board of Education member is stepping in to lend a hand as well.

Board member Darrell Robison headed to Mountain Ridge High School on Friday to fill in as a custodian, cleaning floors, bathrooms, carpets and trash cans – anything to help head custodian Kevan Sprague and his team while they are short staffed. Mr. Robinson says he will take a vacation day every Friday from his full-time job, as long as there is a need, to fill in wherever needed in the District doing jobs like custodial work. He is committed to supporting our employees and having a better understanding of the work they do on a daily basis.

So, don’t be surprised if you see Mr. Robinson hard at work in your school on a Friday in the future. Thanks, Mr. Robinson, we appreciate your sincere support for employees throughout Jordan School District.

If you are interested in applying for a custodial position, as a bus driver, nutrition services worker or substitute teacher, please go