Welby Elementary Teacher Turns Math Class into Secret Agent Lab

Michelle Smith is known for bringing lessons in her Welby Elementary School classroom to life. She is often dressed up as historical figures or turning textbook lessons into hands-on projects. This week’s math lesson was no different; with blacklights, string, sunglasses, and notecards paid for by generous donors through Donors Choose, Ms. Smith turned her classroom into a “secret agent lab.”

During the project, students, also known as agents, were tasked with helping to find the school’s mascot, “Agent Whiskers,” by solving math problems. The secret agent illusion included lasers made of string and clues hidden around the room in the form of math problems. Each math problem the students solved helped decode a message that would tell them the location of Whiskers.

Great job, Ms. Smith, for making your classroom and lessons engaging and fun for students. We know your students are benefiting greatly from your creativity.