Students Find Success in First Lego League Qualifier

They have worked hard all year and their efforts are paying off in competitive play.

Last weekend two teams from Ridge View Elementary School, the “Rapid Raptors” and “Imagination Creation” along with one team from Monte Vista Elementary School/South Hills Middle School, “Taquito Kings” competed at the First Lego League Qualifier. It was a tough competition against 27 other teams from around the state.

The “Taquito Kings” placed in the top three in Project and won a trophy.

The “Rapid Raptors” and “Imagination Creations” both placed in the top three of Core Values and both took home a trophy. The “Rapid Raptors” qualified for State and will now compete later this month at Weber State University.

We are very proud of the students on all three teams. Congratulations we wish you continued success!