Riverton Elementary Students Find Success After Appealing to the Principal for Help Solving a Water Problem

They became big advocates for change after an unbearably hot, dry August day at the beginning of the school year. Students in Mr. Howell’s 6thgrade ALPS class decided it was time to push for drinking water dispensers in portable classrooms at Riverton Elementary so students wouldn’t have to go inside the building every time they wanted a drink of water. The students did research on the benefits of hydration, they wrote and performed a play and song. They also created a Powerpoint and collected their own data showing the amount of wasted instructional time due to filling water bottles and leaving portables to get drinks inside the school.

All of their research was presented to Principal Pullen who was so impressed, he approved their request for water bottle dispensers in portable classrooms. The PTA was impressed as well, stepping up to pay for the dispensers.

Congratulations to Mr. Howell’s 6th grade students for using problem-solving skills, advocating for change, and learning some valuable lessons in the process.