Hidden Valley Middle Teacher Selected to Participate in Prestigious Research Program

Her love of history and teaching is giving a Hidden Valley Middle School teacher a well- deserved opportunity to share the untold story of a local hero with a national audience. Christina Jacobs was recently selected to participate in National History Day’s “Researching Silent Heroes” program. It is a program where educators from across the United States receive hands-on training to research and create a profile for a “Silent Hero,” which will be part of a national webinar series. The men and women researched for the series died during World War I, World War II, the Korean War, or the Vietnam War.

Ms. Jacobs decided she wanted to research and tell the story of a Korean War soldier, U.S. Airforce 1st Class Howard Lamont ‘Monty’ Croshaw. She will write a biography about the soldier’s time serving in the military, going missing in action, and his time growing up in Logan, Utah. The story will be published later this year on the American Battle Monuments Commission website and the National History Day’s Silent Heroes website. Ms. Jacobs says she was inspired to tell the story of Monty Croshaw because her great Uncle Glenn was declared missing in action during World War II.

Congratulations to Christina Jacobs on being selected for this great honor and for working so hard to keep history alive.