March 29, 2022 Board Meeting Summary

Celebrating Fort Herriman Middle School
Kallee Olson, Student Body Officer, talked about everything she loves about Fort Herriman Middle School which she described as amazing. Kalee said the school is a great community where they make learning fun and take time to make sure students who need extra help get it during remediation time. She talked about the “Culture Crew” which brings people together from many different backgrounds creating unity in and outside of school. She said “Choose Kind” is another club bringing unity to the school through acts of kindness and love. Students throughout the school participate in the “Diamondback Give Back” fundraiser each year and this holiday season they raised $7,000 to purchase toys which were given to Kauri Sue Hamilton students. Kallee concluded by saying students and staff at Fort Herriman Middle are simply incredible.

  • Special Business Items
  • The Board Approved the Following Special Business Items:
  • 2022-23 Student Fee Schedule
  • 2023-24 School Year Calendar
  • New Administrative Policy DP381 Employee Code of Ethics

Superintendent’s Report
Dr. Anthony Godfrey Superintendent of Schools, met with the Teacher Education class at JATC South and said he would love to hire each student in the class on the spot calling them remarkable. The Superintendent is featuring the students and program in an upcoming Supercast episode.

The Superintendent attended the first Unified Sports State basketball tournament at Weber State University and said the competition was awesome. He said Riverton, Herriman, and Bingham High Schools had teams participating and the Superintendent thanked the coaches, teams and community partners who have come together to make Unified Sports possible in Jordan School District. The Superintendent also was the emcee for “Battle of the Bands” at Bingham High School and said he appreciates all the effort that went into making the night such a success.

  • Patron Comments
  • Clarissa Crisp, a parent, asked the Board to take a closer look at how participation fees are calculated in our schools.
  • Carrie Kay, a parent, voiced concern over the increase in participation fees which she fears will exclude some students from participating in sports where they have opportunities to build great relationships.
  • Stacy Wise, a parent, expressed concern over the high enrollment and large class sizes at South Jordan Elementary School. She asked the Board to address the overcrowding and consider a boundary change.
  • Board Comments
  • Tracy Miller attended the Bingham High School Musical “Catch Me If You Can,” and the South Jordan Elementary School musical ‘Seussical the Musical,” congratulating everyone involved. She also attended a South Jordan Elementary School special education class which she described as a delightful experience and thanked the class for being so welcoming. Ms. Miller also attended a JATC South Teacher Education class where she talked about the role of the Board of Education. Ms. Miller said giving out the Jordan Education Foundation Outstanding Educator Awards over the past few weeks was a lot of fun. She reminded the Board that the awards banquet is on April 13.
  • Bryce Dunford reported on the Facilities Committee which completed building assessments for the District to make sure potential needs are addressed at each location.
  • Marilyn Richards attended Bingham High School’s musical production of “Catch Me If You Can,” which she described as great and said the newly remodeled auditorium is very nice. She applauded School Community Councils for the hard work they are doing this time of year with Trust Lands money and the District’s Literacy Launch. Ms. Richards reported on the Finance Committee which reviewed a video produced by the Office of Communications regarding District finances and Truth in Taxation. The committee also reviewed tax increment projects and Bluffdale and Herriman City will be extending their tax increment timelines. She also reported that UHSAA has sanctioned Boys Volleyball for the 2023-24 school year.
  • Darrell Robinson gave a shout out to Foothills Elementary Principal Cherie Wilson who did a presentation of her dissertation proposal. Mr. Robinson recognized Mountain Ridge DECA students who have qualified for national competition on several occasions. He praised the work being done by the students and the success they are having in their business pursuits and working with the local community. Mr. Robinson expressed concern over the safe walking route for Oak Leaf Elementary School which he does not believe is safe.
  • Jen Atwood said Oquirrh Elementary School classroom aide was recognized by police as being a community hero in education. She congratulated West Jordan Middle School for placing first in the State in the “We the People” competition. Ms. Atwood also attended West Jordan Elementary School’s production of The Lion King and said it was fantastic along with a choir performance called “Broadway Kids” which she said was amazing. Ms. Atwood attended District Professional Development called “What I Wish You Knew” and she thanked everyone involved.

Closed, Study Session
In closed session, Board members discussed personnel, property, potential litigation, and negotiations.

In open session the Board reviewed the 2023-24 Calendar Survey, 2022 summer projects and unfunded bus routes for the 2022-23 school year. They discussed updates to New Administrative Policy DP381 Employee Code of Ethics and continued a discussion on 2022-23 school fees and growing enrollment at Ridge View Elementary School. The Board also reviewed start and end times for the 2022-23 school year.

– Sandy Riesgraf, Director of Communications

  1. Study Session – Open Meeting – Video 1: 36:26
    1. Review of 2023-24 Calendar Survey – Video 1: 38:24
    2. Discussion on Updates to New Administrative Policy DP381 Employee Code of Ethics – Video 1: 51:03
    3. Summer 2022 Project Review – Video 1: 54:35
    4. Continued Discussion on Fee Schedule for 2022-23 – Video 1: 1:08:10
    5. Review of Unfunded Bus Routes for 2022-23 School Year – Video 2: 2:18:50
    6. Continued Discussion of Growing Enrollment at Ridge View Elementary School – Video 2: 2:46:36
    7. School Start and End Times for 2022-23 – Video 1: 2:32:44
    8. Update on Board Priorities on Challenges Board Members Would Like to Solve – Video 2: 3:37:25
  1. General Session – Open Meeting – Video 2: 19:12
    1. Pledge of Allegiance – Video 2: 21:37
    2. Reverence – Video 2: 22:48
    3. Presentation – Celebrating Fort Herriman Middle School – Video 2: 25:10
    4. Resolutions of Appreciation – Video 2: 29:58
    5. Recognitions – Video 2: 30:53
    6. Superintendent’s Recognitions – Video 2: 44:18
  2. General Business – Approve Consent Agenda – Video 2: 48:13
    1. Board Minutes
    2. Sabbatical Leave
    3. Name for New Elementary School in Herriman
  3. General Business – Accept Consent Agenda – Video 2: 49:06
    1. Expenditures
    2. Financial Statements
    3. Personnel – Licensed and Education Support Professionals
    4. Certificates for Home Instruction
    5. Non-compliance Report
  4. Bids – Video 2: 49:36
    1. New Elementary School in Herriman – HP Chromebooks & Google Licenses
    2. Blackridge Elementary School – HP Chromebooks & Google Licenses
    3. Copper Mountain Middle School – HP Chromebooks & Google Licenses
    4. Bingham High School – HP Chromebooks & Google Licenses
    5. Mountain Ridge High School – HP Chromebooks & Google Licenses
    6. Bingham High School – Office Furniture
    7. Central Warehouse – White Copy Paper
    8. Insurance Services – Voluntary Vision Insurance
    9. Insurance Services – Pharmacy Benefit Manager
    10. Teaching & Learning – Skill Struck Licenses
    11. Transportation – New Buses
    12. Facility Services – Carpet for New Elementary School in Herriman
    13. Facility Services – Westvale Elementary School Multi-Zone Unit Replacement Phase III
    14. Facility Services Remodel – Bingham High School Phase IV
    15. Facility Services – Bluffdale Elementary School Remodel
    16. Facility Services – Elk Meadows Elementary School Parking Lot Improvements
    17. Facility Services – Rosamond Elementary School Restroom Remodel
    18. Facility Services – Southland Elementary School Stage Remodel
    19. Facility Services – Copper Hills High School Parking Lot Improvements
    20. Facility Services – Herriman High School Commons Area Infill
  5. Patron Comments – Video 2: 1:15:57
    1. Patron Comments
    2. Opportunity for Public Comment on 2022-23 Fee Schedule
  6. Special Business Items – Video 2: 1:24:18
    1. Recommendation to Approve Student Fee Schedule 2022-23
    2. Recommendation to Approve Calendar for 2023-24 School Year
    3. Recommendation to Approve New Administrative Policy DP381 Employee Code of Ethics
  7. Information Items – Video 2: 1:37:38
    1. Superintendent’s Report
  8. Discussion Items – Video 2: 1:39:52
    1. Committee Reports and Comments by Board Members
  9. Adjourn – Video 2: 2:02:56
    1. Motion to Adjourn to Closed Session
  10. Potential Closed Session
    1. Character and Competence of Individuals (Personnel)
    2. Property
    3. Potential Litigation
    4. Negotiations
    5. Security

Board of Education
Tracy J. Miller, President – Voting District 3
Bryce Dunford, First Vice President – Voting District 5
Marilyn Richards, Second Vice President – Voting District 4
Jen Atwood, Member – Voting District 7
Niki George, Member – Voting District 6
Darrell Robinson, Member – Voting District 1
Matthew Young, Member – Voting District 2