Nov. 1, 2022 Board Meeting Summary

Celebrating Mountain Creek Middle School
Alex Peterson, representing Mountain Creek Middle School Student Government, said Mountain Creek is a safe school where everyone feels like family. She said the school does many things to support students with events like “No Tardy” parties and “Moose of the Day.” Alex said teachers make learning fun with cool experiences in and outside of the classroom and as a result student achievement keeps rising. Last year students performed “Little Mermaid,” which she described as marvelous. Alex said there is a lot of school spirit at Mountain Creek with band, orchestra and choir a role in that school spirit. She said clubs are alive and well at Mountain Creek giving students the opportunity to meet new friends and enjoy the things they love to do.

Superintendent’s Report
Dr. Anthony Godfrey, Superintendent of Schools, recognized Cynthia Cox, Utah Health Science Teacher of the Year, and Julie Huffman, Utah ACTE Lifetime Achievement Award Recipient, saying they are two teachers who have gone above and beyond for years connecting with students and impacting their lives.

The Superintendent described Cynthia Cox as an incredible educator who has a passion for education and feels great satisfaction watching her students find momentum and success. Ms. Cox is innovative and provides engaging lessons and is always looking for better ways to teach and use technology. She thanked the Board for their tremendous support.

Superintendent Godfrey said Julie Huffman has directly impacted countless lives throughout the years. He said students become a part of Julie’s life and she teaches lessons in the classroom that help them with leadership skills and job interviews. He said Ms. Huffman has a profound impact on her students, well beyond their time in her classroom. Ms. Huffman also thanked the Board for their support and said she could not imagine a life without students and teaching.

The Superintendent recognized School Psychologists Week which is November 7 – 12, 2022 and thanked the Board for their support in hiring additional psychologists which is having a significant impact in schools throughout the District. He reminded people to thank school psychologists for the important work they do.

The Superintendent said he attended a great SBO lunch and enjoyed meeting with People of the Pacific students at West Jordan High School.

  • Patron Comments
  • Douglas Greenwood, a parent, said his son is devastated by the knowledge that West Jordan Elementary School will not be rebuilt. He questioned whether property values are a reason for closing the school and selling the land. He feels the east West Jordan area is being neglected and asked the Board to explore more options for West Jordan Elementary School.
  • Derrick Paul, a parent, believes the consideration to close West Jordan Elementary was based on money more than safety and low enrollment. He also believes the Board has failed to used tax dollars to support his area schools. He talked about the important impact WJES teachers have had on students. He asked the Board to show people in his community that they are valued.
  • Tyler Adams, a student, encouraged the Board to invest in aging schools and electric buses.
  • Natasha Greenwood, a parent, said closing West Jordan Elementary is a band-aid plan. She encouraged the Board to come up with a 10 to 15-year plan for east West Jordan schools.
  • Andrea Young, a parent and teacher, expressed concern regarding overcrowding in classrooms. She said a caring community can have a positive impact on a school and education, which she said is the case with West Jordan Elementary School. Ms. Young does not support closing West Jordan Elementary School.
  • Casey Hatfield, a parent, asked the Board to consider rebuilding West Jordan Elementary School. He asked the Board to start investing in the east West Jordan area.
  • Nicole Christofferson, a parent, asked the Board to consider adding language to Policy D200 which would prohibit teachers from undermining or subverting parents and their wishes. She said the policy should state that teachers cannot degrade the parent/child relationship.
  • Janet Sanders, a teacher and parent, thanked the Board for going above and beyond listening to teachers, parents and patrons with revisions to Policy D200. She said the revisions make it clear that Board members want to empower teachers in the classroom.

Special Business Items
The Board approved revisions to the Board Appendix Guidelines for New Board Member Orientation.

  • Board Comments
  • Tracy Miller attended the State High School Soccer tournament and is excited to see the program grow. She also attended the Marching Band Competition at Riverton High School and Eastlake Elementary School’s production of “Thriller,” which she described as so much fun.
  • Jen Atwood thanked all educators for being in classrooms the day after fall break and for the work that they do.
  • Niki George attended the production of “Adams Family” at Sunset Ridge Middle School and said it was so good.
  • Darrell Robinson attended the Oak Leaf Elementary School dedication, which he said went really well. He attended Oak Leaf and Herriman Elementary Fun Runs and met with the new principal at Butterfield Canyon Elementary School. Mr. Robinson said he is grateful for the work that is going on in Wellness Rooms across the District. He recognized Mountain Ridge High students for their “Source of Strength” program which focuses on making people feel welcome and valuable. Mr. Robinson reported that the Jordan Parent Advisory Committee (JPAC) had a good meeting and a full report on the meeting will be forthcoming.

Closed, Study Session
In closed session, Board members discussed property and potential litigation.

In open session, the Board reviewed an update on Guidelines for New Board Member Orientation, a building inspection report on West Jordan Elementary School and a boundary survey report for West Jordan Elementary School. The Board discussed next steps for West Jordan Elementary School and received a report on the 2023-24 permit total summary. The Board received updated information on a potential lease revenue bond for the new Flex Building.

– Sandy Riesgraf, Director of Communications

  1.  Study Session – 10:52
    1. Update on Board Appendix Guidelines for New Board Member Orientation – 11:33
    2. Building Inspection Report on West Jordan Elementary – 20:07
    3. Boundary Survey Report – 36:09
    4. Next Steps for West Jordan Elementary – 1:33:33
    5. 2023-24 Permit Total Summary Discussion – 2:14:16
    6. Lease Revenue Bond Report – 2:20:48
      1. Lease Revenue Bond Report Discussion – 4:32:06
  2. General Session – 2:46:21
    1. Pledge of Allegiance – 2:47:37
    2. Reverence – 2:48:53
    3. Presentation – Celebrating Mountain Creek Middle – 2:49:26
    4. Resolutions of Appreciation – 2:55:15
    5. Recognitions – 2:57:12
    6. Superintendent’s Recognitions – 3:06:40
  3. General Business – Approve Consent Agenda – 3:20:19
    1. Board Minutes
    2. Bank Account for Charitable Giving Coin Deposits
    3. 2023-24 Teacher and Student Success Act (TSSA) Framework
  4. General Business – Accept Consent Agenda – 3:20:51
    1. Expenditures
    2. Financial Statements
    3. Personnel – Licensed and Education Support Professionals
    4. Certificates for Home Instruction
    5. Non-compliance Report
  5. Comments by Elected Officials – 3:21:22
  6. Patron Comments – 3:21:32
  7. Bids – 3:40:35
    1. Facility Services – Fuel Tank Replacement for Transportation
    2. Nutrition Services – USDA Processing of Commodity Chicken
  8. Special Business Items – 3:42:50
    1. Recommendation to Approve Potential Revisions to Administrative Policy D200 Philosophy of Instruction
    2. Recommendation to Approve Potential Revisions to Administrative Policy AA410 Controversial Issues
    3. Recommendation to Approve Potential Revisions to Board Appendix Guidelines for New Board Member Orientation
  9. Information Items – 4:01:19
    1. Superintendent’s Report
  10. Discussion Items – 4:02:31
    1. Committee Reports and Comments by Board Members
  11. Adjourn – 4:06:35
    1. Motion to Adjourn to Closed Session
  12. Potential Closed Session
    1. Character and Competence of Individuals (Personnel)
    2. Property
    3. Potential Litigation
    4. Negotiations
    5. Security
Board of Education
Tracy J. Miller, President – Voting District 3
Bryce Dunford, First Vice President – Voting District 5
Marilyn Richards, Second Vice President – Voting District 4
Jen Atwood, Member – Voting District 7
Niki George, Member – Voting District 6
Darrell Robinson, Member – Voting District 1
Matthew Young, Member – Voting District 2