Feb. 28, 2023 Board Meeting Summary

Celebrating Sunset Ridge Middle School
Calvin Erb, a student body officer at Sunset Ridge Middle School, gave ten reasons why his school is so great and worth bragging about. He said Sunset Ridge is proud of its diversity and embraces differences. Calvin said the school is proud of its clubs, which provide a place for all students, and proud of music and fine arts programs, along with French Dual Immersion, which helps students to become bilingual. Calvin said at Sunset Ridge Middle School students embrace literacy and love to read and they have a wonderful outreach program for incoming 7th grade students. The school is also proud of its incredible teachers, service projects and the fact that everyone is united, powerful, and courageous in what they do and achieve at Sunset Ridge Middle.

Superintendent’s Report
Dr. Anthony Godfrey, Superintendent of Schools, recognized Herriman High School DECA advisor, Nick Redd who was recently honored as new State DECA Advisor of the Year and Bingham High School DECA advisor Andrea Call who was recently honored as State DECA Advisor of the Year. Superintendent Godfrey said Mr. Redd was nominated for the real industry experience he brings to students in the classroom, for his compassion and relating to students. Dr. Godfrey said Andrea Call was nominated, in part, for making students and others feel appreciated and for being a true silent hero in the work she does in and outside the classroom.

The Superintendent thanked everyone for the hard work in snow removal efforts during the two historic, back to back virtual learning days. He said it was a herculean effort on the part of employees and families.

Elected Official Comments
West Jordan City Mayor Dirk Burton said he appreciates the relationship between the District and West Jordan Police in handling emergency situations in schools. He said the coordination between the District and police is so helpful in allowing officers to know school buildings when there is an incident to which they must respond. Mayor Burton also thanked the Board for allowing the city to continue the D.A.R.E. program in schools in West Jordan.

  • Board Comments
  • Lisa Dean enjoyed JEAC’s Celebration of Black Excellence at Elk Ridge Middle School. She reported that three Joel P. Jensen students won at the District level STEM competition and will now be moving on to Region competition. West Jordan High School put on a production of “A Midsummer Night’s Dream,” and she congratulated both the boys and girls basketball teams at WJHS for qualifying for State competition. Ms. Dean also congratulated nine members of the WJHS girls wrestling team who competed at State and the girls swim coach for growing the program.
  • Marilyn Richards attended the State Drill competition and congratulated Copper Hills High, Herriman High, Mountain Ridge High and Bingham High for their performances. Bingham High won first place at State. Ms. Richards attended several School Community Council meetings and thanked members for the hard work they do for schools and students.
  • Tracy Miller attended the Chinese New Year Culture Night at Herriman High School and the “Fly Around the World Day,” at South Valley School saying everyone did a fantastic job. Ms. Miller also attended the Riverton High School “Hope Walk,” which she said was well attended. She also thanked everyone for their hard work digging out from the recent snowstorm and for everyone involved in planning and communicating for the two virtual learning days. She reported the Jordan Education Foundation will begin surprising teachers with the Outstanding Educator Awards on Monday March, 6.
  • Darrell Robinson attended the State DECA competition and said the students were amazing. He introduced some DECA members from JSD high schools who talked about their individual chapters, which give students real-life skills.
  • Bryce Dunford reported on the Finance Committee which is seeking an RFP for a new internal auditor. He also asked Board members if they will be available to attend a LEAC meeting on April 4 or 18 where they will hold small group meeting seeking feedback on the Superintendent’s plan.
  • Niki George reported on the Government Relations Committee which has been meeting weekly during the legislative session.

Patron Comments
William Shields, a teacher, publicly expressed support for the Language and Culture Services team which he called exemplary in the State. He said because of that team, every classroom feels supported. He thanked the Board for investing time and money into Health and Wellness initiatives as well. Mr. Shields said District level support programs are so important as the area grows more diverse.

Closed, Study Session
In closed session, Board members discussed personnel, property, potential litigation, and negotiations and security.

In open session, the Board continued a discussion on the 2023-24 fee schedule, and discussed the unfunded bus route for Western Springs Subdivision. They received an update on legislative proposals and action regarding education and continued a discussion on Board priorities and Ends Policy E404 Safety and Security.

– Sandy Riesgraf, Director of Communications

  1. Study Session – Open Meeting – 12:34
    1. Continued Discussion on Fee Schedule for 2023-24 – 13:00
    2. Unfunded Bus Route for Western Springs Subdivision – 23:23
    3. Legislative Updates – 40:08
    4. Board Priorities – 1:37:01
    5. Continued Discussion on Ends Policy E404 Safety and Security
      1. Discussion Part 1 – 2:00:37
      2. Discussion Part 2 – 4:37:37
  2. General Session – Open Meeting – 2:41:15
    1. Pledge of Allegiance – 2:42:33
    2. Reverence – 2:43:54 
    3. Presentation – Celebrating Sunset Ridge Middle School – 2:44:42
    4. Resolutions of Appreciation – 2:51:02
    5. Board Recognitions – 2:52:22
    6. Superintendent’s Recognitions – 3:04:20
    7. Review of the 2023-24 Fee Schedule – 3:12:23
  3. Public Comments – 3:14:36
    1. Comments by Elected Officials
    2. Opportunity for Public Comment on 2023-24 Fee Schedule
    3. Patron Comments
  4. General Business – Approve Consent Agenda – 3:24:33
    1. Board Minutes
    2. Sabbatical Leave
  5. General Business – Accept Consent Agenda – 3:25:03
    1. Expenditures
    2. Financial Statements
    3. Personnel – Licensed and Education Support Professionals
    4. Certificates for Home Instruction
    5. Non-compliance Report
  6. Bids – 3:27:51
    1. Sunset Ridge Middle School – HP Chromebooks & Licenses
    2. Herriman High School – HP Chromebooks & Licenses
    3. Teaching & Learning – Math Curriculum for Grades 6 – 8
    4. Administrator of Schools for High Schools – Driver Education Canopy for Riverton High School
    5. Insurance Services – Life & Disability Benefits Program
    6. Central Warehouse – White Copier Paper
    7. Facility Services – Relocation of Portable Classrooms
    8. Transportation – Special Education Buses
  7. Special Business Items – No items were presented for approval
  8. Information Items – 3:59:57
    1. Superintendent’s Report
  9. Discussion Items – 4:08:16
    1. Committee Reports and Comments by Board Members
  10. Adjourn – 4:57:39
    1. Motion to Adjourn to Closed Session
  11. Potential Closed Session
    1. Character and Competence of Individuals (Personnel)
    2. Property
    3. Potential Litigation
    4. Negotiations
    5. Security
Board of Education
Tracy J. Miller, President – Voting District 3
Niki George, First Vice President – Voting District 6
Darrell Robinson, Second Vice President – Voting District 1
Brian W. Barnett, Member – Voting District 2
Lisa Dean, Member – Voting District 7
Bryce Dunford, Member – Voting District 5
Marilyn Richards, Member – Voting District 4