Celebrating Copper Mountain Middle School
Copper Mountain Middle School student body officers talked about how much they love their school and all of the things that have taken place over the course of the year. They said this was a special school year because CMMS is celebrating its 10th anniversary. The students praised the amazing teachers, staff, and school counselors who are there to help all students every day. This year students worked hard to raise 1,945 individual food donations for the Utah Food Bank. They talked about band and orchestra and how much they appreciate teachers who are so patient and understanding while preparing for student performances. The SBO’s are part of a “Kindness Squad” at CMMS and they also work as school ambassadors helping all students acclimate throughout the school year. They said the annual one-mile race called the “Running of the Colts” was held last week and it brought the entire school together, supporting one another and cheering each other on to the finish line. The students ended by saying how proud they are of Copper Mountain Middle School.
- Recognitions
Clark Bell, President, Jordan Education Foundation and Mike Haynes, Director, Jordan Education Foundation, recognized the following 2024 JEF Outstanding Education Support Professionals: - Gerard Doornbos, Facility Maintenance Senior Technician in Auxiliary Services
- Melissa Eliason, Student Support Services at Kauri Sue Hamilton School
- Kira Frischknecht, Wellness Room Assistant at Riverton Elementary
- Makenzie Fuller, Instructional Assistant at Herriman Elementary
- Matt Gates, Technology Support Technician at South Jordan Middle
- Deidre Griggs, Head Secretary at Westland Elementary
- Janie Hyde, Administrative Assistant in Student Support Services
- Andrew Minardi, Head Custodian in Transportation
- Stacy Peterson, Administrative Assistant at Fort Herriman Middle
- Jodi Spencer, Opportunities Coordinator at South Valley School
- Lauri Spitzenberger, Technology & Education Specialist in Custodial/Energy Services
- Becca Janis, Special Educator, Early Intervention at Jordan Child Development Center
Superintendent’s Report
Dr. Anthony Godfrey, Superintendent of Schools, congratulated retirees saying this is a time of transition. He said the 2024 Retirement Dinner was a nice opportunity to say thank you to everyone who has worked so hard for so many years in Jordan School District. He thanked everyone for all of their time preparing for graduations this week and helping to get students across the finish line.
The Superintendent said 395 students received the “Seal of Biliteracy” this year and the numbers are growing. He said that represents a lot of effort on the part of students, parents, and educators and he is proud of everyone who helped to make this kind of success possible.
- Special Business Items
The Board approved the following special business items: - 2024-25 Negotiated Agreement for Licensed Employees
- 2024-25 Negotiated Agreement for Education Support Professionals
- 9800 South Elk Ridge Property Settlement Agreement
- Patron Comments
- Sommer Baisch, a teacher, expressed concern over statements made at a recent Board meeting regarding girl’s equitable participation in sports and STEM related opportunities. Ms. Bosh said she hopes her daughters have all the support in the world for anything they want to pursue.
- Janet Sanders, JEA President, thanked the Board for the increase in teacher pay and for listening to the needs of educators. Ms. Sanders said she appreciates the fact that veteran teachers feel valued and it has made a difference.
- Board Comments
- Tracy Miller attended “Finding Nemo” at the Kauri Sue Hamilton School and said it was wonderful to see everyone having the opportunity to participate. Ms. Miller also attended the Bingham High School HOPE Walk and the Unified Golf activity describing both as great events. Ms. Miller said the Entrepreneurship Academy was wonderful and it demonstrates how many talented young students we have with great business ideas. Ms. Miller reported on the Utah School Boards Association which is looking at cost saving initiatives.
- Niki George said this is such a fun time of year with so much going on. She attended the Copper Hills High School Awards Night, the CTE Academy Awards Night, and the Fox Hollow School Play “Willy Wonka.” Ms. George also attended what she described as an amazing DLI French performance and the District Art Shows.
- Marilyn Richards attended the Bingham High School Awards Night and was amazed at how many students are receiving well-earned scholarships.
- Lisa Dean recognized West Jordan Middle School for opening the first ever in-school hair salon called the Lion’s Mane. She described it as a great initiative and says she loves it when schools have great ideas and act on those ideas. Ms. Dean reminded everyone that the “My County Rec Pass” goes live on June 1, and allows all Salt Lake County kids age 5-18 to get into county rec centers free of charge.
- Brian Barnett visited Copper Hills High School to congratulate members of the Chess Club for taking first place in State and he enjoyed playing a few games of chess with the students. Mr. Barnett attended the Kauri Sue Hamilton School graduation and enjoyed the car parade they had to honor graduates.
- Bryce Dunford reported on the Audit Committee and presented the District risk assessment summary to Board members. He asked that they review the summary.
Closed, Study Session
In closed session, Board members discussed personnel, property, potential litigation, and negotiations.
In open session, the Board continued discussions on start and end times for the 2024-25 school year and Administrative Policy DP374 Employment Background Checks. They received a presentation on English Language Learning software and reviewed Board Policy GP118 Midterm Vacancies on the Board.
– Sandy Riesgraf, Director of Communications
- Study Session – 24:29
- General Session – 2:35:37
- Pledge of Allegiance – 2:37:34
- Reverence – 2:39:44
- Presentation – Celebrating Copper Mountain Middle School – 2:40:45
- Resolutions of Appreciation – 2:49:39
- Recognitions – Jordan Education Foundation Outstanding Education Support Professionals – 2:50:43
- Board Member Recognitions – 3:13:01
- Superintendent’s Recognitions – Sterling Scholar Finalists – 3:21:51
- Public Comments – 3:22:52
- Guidelines for Public Comments
- General Business – Approve Consent Agenda – 3:27:25
- Certificates for Home Instruction
- Board Minutes
- General Business – Accept Consent Agenda – 3:27:52
- Expenditures
- Financial Statements
- Personnel – Licensed and Education Support Professionals
- Non-compliance Report
- Bids – 3:29:19
- Herriman High School – Athletic Uniforms & Apparel
- Central Warehouse – White Copy Paper
- Facility Services – Gym Sound System at Butterfield Canyon Elementary School
- Facility Services – Electric Stage Winches at Bingham High School
- Special Business Items – 3:32:00
- Recommendation to Approve 2024-25 Negotiated Agreement for Licensed Employees
- Recommendation to Approve 2024-25 Negotiated Agreement for Education Support Professionals
- Recommendation to Approve 9800 South Elk Ridge Property Settlement Agreement
- Information Items – 3:45:52
- Superintendent’s Report
- Discussion Items – 3:49:17
- Committee Reports and Comments by Board Members
- Adjourn – 4:33:38
- Motion to Adjourn to Closed Session
- Closed Session
- Character and Competence of Individuals (Personnel)
- Property
- Potential Litigation
- Negotiations
- Security
Tracy J. Miller, President – Voting District 3
Niki George, First Vice President – Voting District 6
Darrell Robinson, Second Vice President – Voting District 1
Brian W. Barnett, Member – Voting District 2
Lisa Dean, Member – Voting District 7
Bryce Dunford, Member – Voting District 5
Marilyn Richards, Member – Voting District 4