Sept. 23, 2024 Board Meeting Summary

  • Summary of Board Actions During Study Session on Sept. 23, 2024

Celebrating Elk Ridge Middle School
Kari Johnson, Student Body Officer, talked about the rich history of Elk Ridge Middle School dating back to 1994 when the school opened. She said there has always been a tradition of taking pride in moving things from good to great at Elk Ridge Middle. Kari said many of the characteristics of students at Elk Ridge align with Jordan School District’s “Portrait of a Graduate” and they have really great teachers who inspire student success. She said students enjoy a number of celebrations at the school throughout the year and they now have 25 clubs giving students a sense of belonging. Kari said the Performing Arts are very strong at Elk Ridge and student performances are continually selling out, in part because of teachers who are very imaginative. Kari said over the years, the school’s commitment to students has not changed and they are still always moving from good to great. 

Special Business Items
The Board approved revisions to Administrative Policy AA440 Library Media Selection and Review and the new Administrative Policy AA453 Use of Personal Electronic and Communication Devices.

Superintendent’s Report
Dr. Anthony Godfrey, Superintendent of Schools, said he really appreciates the opportunity to have lunch with Student Body Officers from our high schools once a month. Dr. Godfrey said he typically enjoys spending about an hour after the luncheons talking with student leaders, hearing about their school experiences, and answering questions.

The Superintendent thanked school PTA’s for their support and helping to launch the new school year. He also thanked them for their help with parent teacher conferences this week.

  • Patron Comments
  • Clareen Arnold, a patron, said the key to a cell phone policy is having enforcement so teachers don’t have to spend all day policing the policy. She shared information on the negative impact of cell phones on student overall mental health and wellness and expressed support for a cell phone ban.
  • Angela Sharp, a parent, said she was representing about 500 parents who would like all day bans of cell phones in all schools. She asked Board members to vote on the data and not on negative response to the proposed policy.
  • Diana Bruening, a parent, thanked the Board for putting together a very sensible cell phone policy. She praised their work on the policy and comprehensive research.
  • Debra Needles, a parent, expressed support for the proposed cell phone policy, but asked the Board to make exceptions for some groups of students who may have special needs.
  • Maya “Ivy” Needles, a student, said she understand the concerns regarding the need for a cell phone policy. However, she said her school already has a policy that works and worries the new policy may change that.
  • Amanda Thomas, a high school teacher, said she feels great appreciation for the proposed cell phone policy but does not believe schools should have to rely on teachers for enforcement. She said she does not want the responsibility or liability associated with enforcement.
  • Kimberly Moore, a parent, said removing cell phones from classrooms may cause issues for students with special and may take away the ability for parents to hold teachers accountable.
  • Jill Myler, a patron, said there are success models all around the country of cell phone bans in schools that are working and she supports cell phone bans all day in elementary and secondary schools.
  • Heather Hardle, a parent, expressed concern over an all-day ban of cell phones in schools and said cell phones have a place in schools where they can protect students in situations like bullying. She said not having a cell phone can be a safety issue for students.
  • Sarah Bennett, asked the Board to protect First Amendment rights and not pass a cell phone policy which bans the devices in schools or classrooms. She prefers educating students on the proper use of cell phones.
  • Sam Gill, a student, does not support the proposed cell phone policy and fears it will cause a divide between students and teachers.
  • A group of parents, students, and patrons submitted comments via email. Some expressed support for the proposed cell phone policy and others raised concerns over the proposal. Others asked that the burden of enforcing a cell phone policy should not be put on teachers.
  • Board Comments
  • Tracy Miller congratulated Jordan Ridge Elementary School for their Jogathon and for including efforts to help raise money for special needs students at the Kauri Sue Hamilton School. Ms. Miller reported on the Jordan Education Foundation’s National Day of Service and said it was wonderful to see the community support in so many donations of food, clothing, and school supplies.
  • Niki George said she had so much fun at a recent Unified Sports soccer tournament and it is great to see how far-reaching Unified Sports has come, inspiring students to work together in athletic competitions.
  • Darrell Robinson is working with Brian Barnett on dedication plans for Juniper Elementary School and suggested the ceremony be held on Tuesday, November 19 at 6 p.m.
  • Bryce Dunford reported on the Finance Committee which looked at a recent District audit. The committee is recommending Board members and employees sign a commitment of ethical behavior statement. The Finance Committee is also recommending Board members complete entity specific training provided by the State Auditor.
  • Lisa Dean enjoyed reading an article in the City Journals about a Jordan School District counselor who has a passion for pickleball and spent time traveling to every state in the nation to play the game with stranger. Ms. Dean also enjoyed listening to a Supercast episode on the pickleball playing counselor.
  • Marilyn Richards thanked building services employees for all of their hard work getting summer projects done for the beginning of the school year. Ms. Dean reported on the Salt Lake County Parks and Recreation Advisory Board. She said the county is extending its free My County Rec Pass to children 2 and 3 years old.

Closed, Study Session
In closed session, Board members discussed personnel, property, an employee appeal, and potential litigation. In open session, the Board reviewed proposed changes to Administrative Policy AA440 Library Media Selection and Review, and new Administrative Policy AA453 Use of Personal Electronic and Communication Devices (Cell Phone Policy). They received an overview of Nutrition Services and a report required by Utah Code 53G-6-11-1101. The Board discussed a potential school garden program.

– Sandy Riesgraf, Director of Communications

  1. Study Session – 12:29 
    1. Proposed Changes to Administrative Policy AA440 Library Media Selection and Review – 12:45
    2. New Administrative Policy AA453 Use of Personal Electronic and Communication Devices (Cell Phone Policy) – 35:49
    3. Nutrition Services Overview – 1:18:32
    4. Reporting Required by Utah Code 53G-6-11-110 – 1:59:08
    5. School Garden Program – 4:57:17
  2. General Session – 2:46:24
    1. Pledge of Allegiance – 2:47:47
    2. Reverence – 2:49:01
    3. Celebrating Schools – Elk Ridge Middle School – 2:50:42
    4. Resolutions of Appreciation – 2:57:01
    5. Board Member Recognitions 2:58:04
    6. Superintendent’s Recognitions – 3:02:49
  3. Public Comments – 3:03:57
    1. Guidelines for Public Comments
  4. General Business – Approve Consent Agenda – 3:04:56
    1. Board Minutes
    2. LEA Specific Licenses
    3. Teacher and Student Success Act (TSSA) 2025-26 Plan Framework
  5. General Business – Accept Consent Agenda – 3:08:29
    1. Expenditures
    2. Financial Statements
    3. Personnel – Licensed and Education Support Professionals
    4. Certificates for Home Instruction
    5. Non-compliance Report
  6. Bids – 4:14:02
    1. Facility Services — General Contractor for Jordan Learning Center
    2. Special Education — Contracted Services
    3. Teaching & Learning — Reading Universal Screener for Grades 6-12
  7. Special Business Items – 3:08:58
    1. Recommendation to Approve Proposed Revisions to Administrative Policy AA440 Library Media Selection and Review
    2. Recommendation to Approve New Administrative Policy AA453 Use of Personal Electronic and Communication Devices
  8. Information Items – 4:16:45
    1. Superintendent’s Report
  9. Discussion Items – 4:17:33
    1. Committee Reports and Comments by Board Members
  10. Adjourn – 5:07:15
    1. Motion to Adjourn to Closed Session
  11. Closed Session
    1. Character and Competence of Individuals (Personnel)
    2. Property
    3. Potential Litigation
    4. Negotiations
    5. Security
Board of Education
Tracy J. Miller, President – Precinct 3
Niki George, First Vice President – Precinct 6
Darrell Robinson, Second Vice President – Precinct 1
Brian W. Barnett, Member – Precinct 2
Lisa Dean, Member – Precinct 7
Bryce Dunford, Member – Precinct 5
Marilyn Richards, Member – Precinct 4