Student Data Collection Notice

Jordan School District recognize that the privacy and security of student personally identifiable information is paramount and that we play a crucial role in providing that security.

The Jordan School District takes data stewardship seriously. Our district, schools, and technology partners are subject to stringent regulations regarding the management of student data.

The collection, use, and sharing of student data has both benefits and risks.  Parents and students should learn about these benefits and risks and make choices regarding student data accordingly.

Jordan School District recognizes that student data belongs to the student and that the student or parent/legal guardian can access that data at their request. The District has a high level of commitment to managing student data responsibly and in accordance with all applicable state and federal laws.

  • We commit to:
  • Be in compliance with The Family Education and Privacy Act (FERPA) and The Children’s Online Protection Act when sharing student data.
  • Maintain reasonable and appropriate policies and procedures for data governance and security to protect the privacy, confidentiality, and integrity of student personal and educational information
  • Not collect a student’s Social Security Number.
  • Not collect Information pertaining to a student’s criminal record except as required in Section 80-6-103.
  • Not collect, maintain, use or share student personal information beyond that needed for authorized educational purposes, or as authorized by the parent/student
  • Only allow those who are authorized, trained, and qualified to work with the student and/or their data to access a student’s personal information.
  • Ensure that student data is managed by district student data managers trained to carefully oversee the sharing of personally identifiable student data in accordance with state and federal law.
  • Store student data in a manner that ensures the privacy and confidentiality of that information, which includes but is not limited to the following:
    • Password maintenance in accordance with industry best practices.
    • Implementation of physical and technical safeguards for all computing devices that access protected information to prevent unauthorized user access.
  •  Ensure that any access to student data via web servers is over encrypted connections that are protected with unique usernames and passwords.
  • Disclose what types of student personal information we collect and share with third parties and for what purposes that information will be used.
  • Ensure that any student personal information we share with third parties will be done only for educational purposes meant to improve student learning and only with third parties who have agreed in writing to never sell data or use data for targeted marketing.
  • Require that these third parties implement measures to safeguard student personal information.
  • Comply with the requirements of HB 358 section 53-A-1-1405 and its implementing regulations in case of a data breach.
Information We Collect
    Jordan School District collects the following data necessary to conduct mandatory district activities:
  • General student information including name, date of birth, sex, parent contact information and education level, student identification number.
  • Assessment information including local, state, and national assessment results or an exception from taking a local, state, or national assessment.
  • Transcript information including courses taken and completed, credits earned, course grades and grade point average, grade level and expected graduation date or graduation cohort, degree, diploma, credential attainment, and other school exit information, attendance and mobility, and drop-out data.
  • Health information including immunization record or an exception from an immunization record; allergies, vision screening or an exception from a vision screening, and student injury information.
  • Demographic information including race, ethnicity, tribal affiliation; remediation efforts.
  • Student discipline information including cumulative disciplinary record and juvenile delinquency records.
  • Alternative learning information including English language learner status, child find and special education evaluation data prior to initiation of an IEP, and information related to the Utah Registry of Autism and Developmental Disabilities.

Optional Information We Collect
Jordan School District also collects information for optional programs and services. In order for the District to collect this information, parents must sign a consent form that outlines what information is to be collected, who is collecting the information, how it is to be stored and maintained, and how it is to be used. If a parent opts out of sharing this information, they also opt out of the program or service connected to that information.

Sharing of Student Data
The sharing of student data in the District as well as student rights regarding their data are governed by policies outlined in the District policy manual. For specific topics, please use the following links:

Metadata Dictionary
Jordan School District is in the process of generating a metadata dictionary. This resource will allow the public and school personnel to see what information is being shared with third-parties in the course of instruction and school operations.