Schools and Students
The following statistics are for the 2024-25 school year.
- 42 elementary schools, 27,534 students
- 13 middle schools, 13,863 students
- 10 high and technical schools, 15,222
- 3 special schools, 464 students
- 68 total schools, 57,083 students
Enrollment History
The following statistics are for the 2024-25 school year.
1905: 3,000
1960: 12,000
1970: 24,000
1980: 49,000
1990: 64,000
2000: 71,651
2008: 81,095
2009: 48,411
2010: 49,729
2011: 50,640
2012: 52,043
2013: 52,856
2014: 51,806
2015: 52,324
2016: 52,509
2017: 53,519
2018: 54,865
2019: 56,339
2020: 56,102
2021: 57,840
2022: 57,829
2023: 57,893
2024: 57,435
2025: 57,083
The following statistics are for the 2024-25 school year.
- Licensed Personnel: 3,413
- Contracted: 3,364
- Hourly: 49
- Support Staff: 3,635
- Full-time: 1,308
- Hourly: 2,327
- Total Employees: 7,048
- Teacher Training
- Bachelor’s Degree: 100%
- Master’s Degree: 44.2%
- Doctorate Degree: 1.2%
Teacher/Pupil Ratios
The following statistics are for the 2024-25 school year.
- Grade 1 – 3: 1 to 22.0
- Grades 4 – 8: 1 to 26.0
- Grades 9 – 12: 1 to 27.0
Teacher/pupil ratios used for hiring staff. Actual class sizes vary widely depending on move-in patterns of students, etc.
Breakfast and Lunch Prices
The following statistics are for the 2024-25 school year.
- Elementary Breakfast: $1.05
- Secondary Breakfast: $1.25
- Elementary Lunch: $2.00
- Secondary Lunch: $2.25
- Adult Breakfast: $2.50
- Adult Lunch: $4.10
The following statistics are for the 2024-25 school year.
- Assessed Valuation: $45.3 billion (projected)
- Local Tax Rate: 0.005390 (projected)
- Revenue: $826,8 million
Projected Expenditures
- General Fund: $691.2 million
- Capital Projects: $40.4 million
- Debt Service: $17.1 million
- Nutrition Services: $30.1 million
- Self Insurance: $60.0 million
- Student Activities: $28.9 million
- Total Cost Per Student: $12,039