Rose Creek Elementary

About Rose Creek Elementary

Rose Creek Elementary is located in the city of Riverton. The school’s mission is highlighted by a commitment to educational excellence. It states: Our mission is to ensure that ALL students & Staff LEAD and LEARN at high levels. The school and community are dedicated to teaching, serving and meeting the needs of all students. High standards of academics and behavior enable Rose Creek students to achieve their full potential. Rose Creek parents are encouraged to be involved in school. Teachers communicate regularly with parents through home contacts and parent/teacher conferences.

  • Rose Creek Elementary serves approximately 850 students on a traditional schedule.
  • Rose Creek Elementary was completed in July 1998. The library/media center is located in the middle of each classroom cluster. Classrooms are arranged to encourage interaction among teachers and can be reassigned by grade as the student population fluctuates.
  • The Rose Creek staff is well qualified. Teachers hail from many different states with a variety of backgrounds and specialty training.
  • Teachers work in teams in order to give students access to the best talents of each teacher.
  • The curriculum follows state and District guidelines and meets or exceeds all elementary requirements.
  • Rose Creek students are expected to develop academically and in personal responsibility by: 1) being at school and being on time, 2) doing quality work and turning work in on time, and 3) obeying school rules while showing courtesy and respect.
  • The resource program provides special help to students who are behind in math or reading. A guidance specialist is available to provide group or individual counseling. Speech therapy is also provided for students as necessary.
  • Rose Creek students have the opportunity to use computers as part of their regular curriculum. Devices include Chrome Books, iPads, laptops, and stationary computers.
  • The school benefits from a supportive, cooperative parent group. PTA officers and parent volunteers provide hours of service to the school each week.
  • Well-balanced meals are provided daily through the school’s hot lunch program. Reduced rate or free lunches are available to students in need.
  • Bus service is provided for students who live 1.5 miles or more from school. This is determined by district GPS software.
  • Rose Creek has a before school strings and band and Robotics program. Additionally, there is an after-school STEM program.
  • Rose Creek Elementary is striving to meet the needs of accelerated students. Problem solving and higher level thinking skills are introduced in every classroom. Students participate in Monster Math and an inter-district math tournament annually.
  • All students receive drama, art, and Spanish instruction on a weekly basis in additional to classroom instruction.
  • Rose Creek is using Utah State Trust Lands grant funds to assist students in grades K-6 improve reading skills and to allow teachers to continually grow in their profession.
  • Teachers at Rose Creek follow the District Comprehensive Balanced Literacy program which develops students’ reading and writing skills in a literacy rich environment.
Student Achievement

RISE is a collection of computer-adaptive assessments given to Utah students beginning in grade 3 (science in grade 4) in English language arts (ELA), math and science. RISE assessments provide questions that assess students’ ability to apply higher-order thinking skills and better emulate real tasks students may encounter in education and in life.

RISE assessments were developed through a joint effort on the part of Utah teachers, parents, test development experts, and the Utah State Board of Education (USBE). The RISE assessment, together with the state’s suite of assessments in grades K-12, provide information to assist in determining students’ progress towards being prepared for college and careers upon completion of secondary school. Due to the school soft closure in March 2020, scores are not available for the 2019-20 school year.

Test Subject 2018-19 2019-20 2020-21 2021-22 2022-23 2023-24
Language Arts 52.7% N/A 45.0% 40.1% 41.2% 46.5%
Mathematics 51.1% N/A 46.2% 43.4% 40.7% 45.2%
Science 59.7% N/A 50.0% 42.4% 42.1% 52.0%
School Accountability Report Cards

School Accountability Report Cards are issued for each public school once a year by the Utah State Board of Education (USBE). Elementary and middle school report cards have four main grade categories: achievement, growth, English learner progress, and growth of the lowest 25%. High schools have one additional grade category entitled postsecondary readiness. Achievement and growth were calculated from the RISE assessment for grades 3-8 and the Utah Aspire Plus assessment for grades 9-10. The English learner progress category score is calculated from the annual administration of the WIDA ACCESS test, which assesses students’ academic language proficiency in English. For high schools, the postsecondary readiness score is calculated from 11th grade performance on the ACT, advanced coursework performance, and graduation rates. The state’s School Accountability Report Cards are intended to inform educators, parents, and community stakeholders about school performance as they work collaboratively to improve student outcomes. Due to the school soft closure in March 2020, scores are not available for the 2019-20 and the 2020-21 school years.

Category 2018-19 2019-20 2020-21 2021-22 2022-23 2023-24
Achievement 31 N/A N/A 24 24 27
Growth 25 N/A N/A 31 34 32
ELL Progress N/A N/A N/A N/A 1 4
Growth of the Lowest 25% 15 N/A N/A 13 16 18
Boundary Map & Safe Walking Routes