Response to: FEMA, Utah DEM Release Inventory of Unreinforced Masonry Public School Buildings

Jordan School District is constantly working to upgrade and retrofit older buildings to bring them up to current standards, as those standards change. We contract with an outside engineering firm, which conducts regular evaluations to determine the seismic upgrade needs in our buildings. The most recent Tier One evaluations were completed on four of the schools in September, 2021. Evaluations on the remaining schools listed are in the process of being completed.

  • According to the Utah Department of Emergency Management, actual presence on the inventory list released today, does not indicate an imminent failure of the building. There are many factors involved in the ultimate outcome of, or impact, to a building in a seismic event.
  • Seismic assessments are always a part of renovation projects in Jordan School District schools, such as the most recent project completed at Bingham High School. West Jordan Middle School was re-built for seismic safety.
  • We are currently in the process of doing updated, in-depth seismic evaluations based on current standards, rather than relying on the older evaluations, (released today) many of which were completed in the 1990’s.

We appreciate the Utah Department of Emergency Management and FEMA’s efforts to better understand where their time, and resources in particular, can be utilized to help make all schools in Utah as safe as possible.

Student and staff safety is a top priority in Jordan School District.

If you have a question regarding a specific building, email your name and phone number to this address and we will contact you.