Rose Creek Elementary School Students Do Si Do in Really Fun Dance Performance

Students square dancingThey have been hard at work and having fun rehearsing for a Country-Style Dance Performance at Rose Creek Elementary School. The school’s 4th grade students have been working with a square dance ‘caller’ learning how to Swing, Promenade, Sashay, and Do Si Do, dancing in a square with one couple on each side, facing the middle of the square. These dances have been around for a very long time, first documented in the 17th-century. It is a delight to watch the students catching on to the calls and having a great time as they circle right and circle left.

Parents are invited to attend the 4th grade dance performance tonight, April 13 at 6:30 p.m. at Rose Creek Elementary School.

Congratulations to the talented dancers and good luck with your performance!