Jordan School District Educators Selected as Prestigious Utah “Teacher Fellows”

They will represent some of the state’s most collaborative, positive, and solutions-oriented educators dedicated to elevating their profession and creating the best conditions for student learning.

Congratulations to three amazing Jordan School District educators who have been selected, in an extremely competitive process, to be Hope Street Teacher Fellows. Kelli Cannon in Digital Teaching & Learning, Brenda Straley, JATC South teacher, and William Shields, West Jordan Middle School teacher, will embark on a Fellowship to expand their skills around peer and community engagement, data-driven decision-making, and strategic communication.

The Teacher Fellows provides a group of diverse educators with opportunities to amplify teacher voices with the belief that students’ education and long-term trajectory is improved when instructors inform education policy.

Teacher Fellows are educators who remain full time teachers in their schools and organizations, while contributing approximately 10 hours each month to program activities, including data collections, professional learning sessions, and
partner meetings. Fellows receive an annual stipend for their time and expertise in contributing to advancing education in Utah.

Congratulations and best of luck to Kelli Cannon, Brenda Straley, and William Shields!