Copper Hills High Students Saving Lives with Tradition of Successful Blood Drives

Copper Hills High HOSA Students

They count on Copper Hills High School every year and students, teachers, and staff always come through. Once again, the school rallied behind an ARUP blood drive and broke an all-time record. On May 8th CHHS registered 247 donors, collecting 170 units of whole blood. That is the biggest, most successful blood drive ever at the school.

The high school blood drives play a huge part in saving lives. ARUP Blood Services says it needs at least 75 donors a day and 2,200 units of whole blood per month.

At Copper Hills one student in particular has been passionate about doing his part. Andon Richards, who is graduating this year, has donated blood at every single CHHS blood drive since his sophomore year. Andon never missed even one blood drive!

Thanks to Health Occupations Students of America (HOSA) and everyone at Copper Hills High School for caring so deeply about others and saving lives by donating blood.