Kick off the New School Year by Putting Safety First

A student crossing a crosswalk with a crossing guard As we dive into the 2024-25 school year, let’s make safety our top priority for students, parents, and staff walking to and from our schools and buildings. Remember to watch for pedestrians and follow safety laws at crosswalks and school zones.

At school crosswalks:

  • Wait for the crossing guard’s signal before proceeding.
  • Always stop when the guard is in the crosswalk, even if your lane appears clear.
  • Don’t park or stop in a crosswalk.
  • Never pass a vehicle stopped at a crosswalk; a pedestrian may be crossing.
  • Stay focused by eliminating distractions. Whether adjusting the temperature, eating, or chatting, save these tasks for when you’re safely pulled over.
  • Never text and drive.

Patience is critical, especially during busy school hours. If dropping off or picking up students, allow extra time and avoid rushing or honking at pedestrians in crosswalks.

Keep a watchful eye out for children at all times of the day. They can be unpredictable, so proceed cautiously and be ready to stop if needed.

By working together and following these safety practices, we can make this school year the best and safest yet. Your dedication to safety is vital in achieving this goal. Let’s make safety a priority every time we hit the road.