Memorable Moments as Jordan School District Teachers Receive “Outstanding Educator of the Year” Awards

The surprises, along with some big smiles and a few tears, continued today as Jordan School District teachers were honored with the Jordan Education Foundation’s 2025 “Outstanding Educator of the Year” awards. The educators are being honored as “All Stars” for their winning ways in supporting students and giving them opportunities to reach their highest potential on the road to success. All of the teachers are nominated by colleagues, their peers, and/or parents.

Congratulations to the following “Outstanding Educators” honored on Monday. Stay tuned, more teacher honorees to come later this week!

  • Colette Memmott, Sunset Ridge Middle School
  • Kellie Freestone, Antelope Canyon Elementary School
  • Jamie Wilhelm, Oakcrest Elementary School
  • Trish Packer, Fox Hollow Elementary School
  • Julie Hilbig, Copper Canyon Elementary School