March 26, 2019 Board Meeting Summary

Celebrating Valley High School
Caden Richards, Valley High student body officer, said a total of 326 students who had to overcome great odds, graduated from Valley High last year. He said there is a family atmosphere at Valley where students develop close relationships with the faculty and everyone works hard together to achieve goals. Caden told the Board that students who are full of creativity attend Valley because it is a place where they feel like they are not judged and they fit in with others. He thanked the Board for funding and support of the school.

Region 6 PTA Director, Christy Lane recognized Reflections Award winners throughout the District along with PTA recognitions for parents and educators.

Superintendent’s Report
Dr. Patrice A. Johnson, Superintendent of Schools, said the District is very proud of South Hills Middle, Fort Herriman Middle and West Jordan Middle Schools for being redesignated as National Schools to Watch, because they are considered high performing schools and responsive to the needs of students academically. She congratulated the Copper Hills High drill team for their State Championship title and Bingham High School girls’ basketball team for their State Championship title. The Superintendent reported that schools in the West Jordan feeder system were recently reviewed by the State Board of Education regarding Title 3. The review confirmed the schools continue to use high engagement strategies and commended Jordan School District staff for their collaboration and high quality professional development.

McKinley Withers, Health & Wellness Specialist, presented an update to the Board regarding enhancements to crisis support, prevention and postvention. He said at least 1,000 employees and community members have now completed QPR training. The Health & Wellness team is partnering with the National Alliance on Mental Health to offer on-going support and classes for students and parents. Mr. Withers talked about a 5-year, $430,000-a-year grant received through ‘Project Aware,’ which is providing funding for five Health & Wellness staff members who will work together advancing wellness and resilience education throughout the District and community. He reported that his team is in the process of a needs assessment in schools throughout the District and they are exploring the possibility of providing mental health screening.

Special Business Items
Matt Young recommended Mountain Point Elementary as the name for the new elementary school in Bluffdale and Hidden Valley as the name for the new middle school in Bluffdale. Bryce Dunford recommended Mountain Creek as the name for the new middle school in South Jordan. Darrell Robinson suggested a final survey be sent to patrons for their preference on Mountain Crest, Ridge View or Wasatch View as proposed names for the new elementary school in Herriman.

  • Patron Comments
  • Heather Reich, a teacher, said Majestic Elementary School is committed to providing all students access to education and helping them succeed. She also read specific commendations from USBE’s recent Title III report regarding Majestic Elementary School.
  • Patrick Bieker, a Carpenter’s Union representative, alleged there is payroll fraud happening at work sites for new schools with some subcontractors being paid under the table.
  • Troy Teeples, a parent, asked the Board to re-evaluate allowing teachers to assign summer projects to students. Mr. Teeples said he would like to see summer projects for students eliminated.
  • Jim Birch, West Jordan High principal, said with so many new teachers with young children at West Jordan High there is a greater need than ever before for a Day Care Center at the school. He asked the Board to support funding for a Day Care Center for West Jordan High School.
  • Board Comments
  • Bryce Dunford praised Copper Hills High School Honor Society members who recently held a “Grizzlies Against Cancer,” fundraiser exceeding their goal and putting on a successful assembly where 18 volunteers had their heads shaved to honor those battling cancer.
  • Tracy Miller called PTA volunteers unsung heroes throughout the District. She thanked Valley High for presenting at the Board meeting and said it is a school that makes you feel loved the minute you walk through the doors. She also thanked McKinley Withers for the great job he is doing working with community partners to offer health and wellness awareness events at our schools. She reported that the Facilities Committee in now in Phase II of the District Safety and Security Initiative. The Committee is also looking at summer projects for next year and discussing needs of the swim community.
  • Matt Young attended Sterling Scholar Regional Finals awards ceremony where he said JSD was well represented among an impressive group of young people. He said the Finance and Audit Committee is in the process of studying the student fee schedule and looking at a reprioritization of available bond funds.
  • Marilyn Richards attended several School Community Council meetings and is impressed by Land Trust Plans and how they will benefit students. She said the Government Relations Committee has been focused on the 2019 legislative session with more than 100 hours spent on Capitol Hill.
  • Jen Atwood attended a number of School Community Council meetings and toured the new West Jordan Middle School with Community Council members who are so very grateful for the new school. She expressed appreciation for PTA members who do amazing work in our schools. She reported that the Community Outreach Committee will be reviewing Land Trust Plans soon and they have been busy planning ‘Parent University’ schedules and topics for next year.
  • Janice Voorhies reported that she has been busy attending Jordan Education Foundation surprise visits to schools honoring outstanding educators. She reported that an educator at all JSD schools will be honored and six students will receive scholarships from the Foundation.
  • Darrell Robinson said he has attended many sporting events at schools recently and thanked everyone who has been working hard to offer community events at schools addressing issues like mental health and wellness. He also expressed appreciation for the District’s partnership with REAL Salt Lake and the RSL assemblies being held at various elementary schools. Mr. Robinson said the Innovations in Education Committee met with REAL Salt Lake Academy and they are looking at implementing a blended, flexible learning schedule, which would result in a four day school week for students at the Academy.

Closed, Study Session
In closed session, Board members discussed property, potential litigation, negotiations and security. In open session, the Board reviewed BSC204 Monitoring Superintendent Performance, discussed next steps in the search for a new Superintendent, the naming of new schools and Board member graduation assignments. They also reviewed revisions to the Projected Building Plan and 2019 legislation affecting education.

– Sandy Riesgraf, Director of Communications

Board of Education
Bryce Dunford, President – Voting District 5
Tracy J. Miller, Vice President – Voting District 3
Matthew Young, Secretary – Voting District 2
Jen Atwood, Member – Voting District 7
Marilyn Richards, Member – Voting District 4
Darrell Robinson, Member – Voting District 1
Janice L. Voorhies, Member – Voting District 6