Oct. 29, 2019 Board Meeting Summary

Celebrating Copper Mountain Middle School
Student body officers representing Copper Mountain Middle School said this year they have learned to focus, set goals and find success. They told Board members there are opportunities to get involved with a number of great student groups, like the Golden Gate Club at Copper Mountain where the focus is on kindness. The students talked about the many successful service projects they participate in like last Christmas when they raised $2,000 for the Jordan Education Foundation. The student body also did a successful shoe drive. The Copper Mountain Middle School theme this year is “See the Good Even When It’s Hard,” and students say it reminds them to embrace things that are hard. They also said students take great pride in being a Copper Mountain ‘Colt of the Day’ and they expressed appreciation for amazing teachers and staff at the school.

Special Business Items
The Board approved additions to the school fee schedule.

Superintendent’s Report
Dr. Anthony Godfrey, Superintendent of Schools, reported on his activities for the month of October.

The Superintendent said that Health & Wellness and Student Services are now aligned in one department bringing forces together to better focus efforts on being proactive with student health and wellness.

Director of Student Services, Travis Hamblin introduced the newly aligned team and they explained the roles they play in supporting students:

  • McKinley Withers, Specialist, Health & Wellness
  • Mary Ann Erdmann, Consultant, Student Intervention
  • Fulvia Franco, Consultant, Guidance
  • Stacee Worthen, Consultant, Student Intervention

Patron Comments
 Heather Reich, a teacher, read a poem called “I Ain’t Got a Pencil,” and said it is something that reminds her every day what is important regarding the needs of students.

  • Board Comments
  • Bryce Dunford said he played his first basketball game at West Jordan Middle School as part of a Junior Jazz team. He requested a piece of the gymnasium floor before the old school was torn down to remember his experience. Mr. Dunford said he shared pieces of flooring with former WJMS students who requested them. He said it was a reminder of the strong and lasting bond students have with their schools.
  • Tracy Miller congratulated everyone who helped to make the South Jordan Elementary School’s Fun Run such a success. She enjoyed the Herriman City Community partners luncheon and a high school marching bands competition where she applauded participants for their sportsmanship. Ms. Miller reported that the Smart Smiles Program which brings free dental care to students is now in 12 JSD schools and 521 children have signed up to participate. She reported on the Facilities Advisory Committee which has finalized the Projected Building Plan. Ms. Miller also said the new Hidden Valley Middle School is on track to be finished by June 15, 2020 and the new elementary school under construction in West Jordan is on schedule.
  • Janice Voorhies thanked parents who participated in the boundary open houses at Oakcrest and Fox Hollow Elementary Schools. Ms. Voorhies reported the Jordan Education Foundation will be providing approximately 1,100 Thanksgiving meals to families in need and they are looking for volunteers to deliver the meals. She also reported that JEF Teacher Grant applications are due Oct. 31.
  • Jen Atwood attended School Community Council meetings at West Jordan Middle School and West Jordan Elementary School. She also attended the West Jordan High School football playoff games and expressed pride in the team’s accomplishments and sportsmanship. Ms. Atwood reported on the Community Outreach Advisory Committee reminding Board members that the next Parent University is Thursday, Nov. 21 and School Community Council trainings will be held Nov. 7 and 14.
  • Darrell Robinson reported that Mountain Ridge High School has been given the Building Project of the Year Award. He participated with the Child Development Center and their early intervention team on several home visits and described their work as amazing. Mr. Robinson said he was principal for the day at Foothills Elementary School and it gave him a new appreciation for the tireless work on behalf of all employees.
  • Marilyn Richards attended several School Community Council meetings and said it is nice to be a part of that process. She enjoyed the Student Body luncheon at Riverton High School and attended a school bus stop arm safety event which she described as important in raising public awareness regarding when drivers need to stop for school buses. Ms. Richards also attended boundary open houses. She reported on the Government Relations Advisory Committee which has compiled a final copy of legislative priorities.
  • Matthew Young reported on the Finance and Audit Advisory Committee which received the final internal audit report reviewing construction labor practices. Mr. Young shared the audit conclusions with the Board.

Closed, Study Session
In closed session, Board members discussed personnel, property and negotiations. In open session, the Board received a presentation on the proposed 2020-21 Traditional, Year-round and AB School Calendars and the 2021-22 tentative calendar. They discussed a total student fee cap, safety and security and new school dedication programs. The Board also received an update on the timeline for Majestic Elementary School and discussed the Teacher and Student Success Act plan.

– Sandy Riesgraf, Director of Communications

Board of Education
Bryce Dunford, President – Voting District 5
Tracy J. Miller, Vice President – Voting District 3
Matthew Young, Secretary – Voting District 2
Jen Atwood, Member – Voting District 7
Marilyn Richards, Member – Voting District 4
Darrell Robinson, Member – Voting District 1
Janice L. Voorhies, Member – Voting District 6