Sept. 27, 2022 Board Meeting Summary

Celebrating Kelsey Peak Virtual Middle School
Several teachers and students talked about the amazing work being done at Kelsey Peak
Virtual Middle School calling it a school without barriers and a small but mighty middle school. They said students at Kelsey Peak are not isolated at home, but have many opportunities to interact with others during field trips and hands-on, in-person educational experiences. The students said learning virtually gives them what they need to excel academically and amazing teachers are always there to support every student, every day. They said Kelsey Peak offers more choices and a different approach to learning.

Superintendent’s Report
Dr. Anthony Godfrey, Superintendent of Schools, recognized the Jordan Education Foundation as a group of people who give their all to benefit Jordan School District, calling them the best in the State.

Dr. Godfrey introduced Foundation Director Mike Haynes who shared with the Board a JEF Impact Report. Mr. Haynes talked about the many events sponsored by the Jordan Education Foundation and how the events benefit teachers and students in the classroom as well as families in the communities they serve. He thanked everyone involved with the Jordan Education Foundation, including the Foundation Board whose volunteer members work tirelessly on behalf of students and the District. Mr. Haynes said last year alone the Foundation awarded 748 classroom grants totaling about $412,000. He said the Foundation is constantly working to support and fill needs within the District.

Special Business Items
The Board approved proposed revisions to Administrative Policy A11 Naming of Facilities.

Elected Official Comments
Mayor Dawn Ramsey, South Jordan City thanked South Jordan schools for their support and wonderful participation in the recent Gold Star Families Monument Dedication event.

  • Patron Comments
  • Andrea Young, a parent, suggested the Board survey Majestic and Westland Elementary School parents to determine how they feel about the potential closure of West Jordan Elementary and the impact on their schools. Ms. Young said it is time to rebuild West Jordan Elementary and it is their community’s turn to have a new school.
  • Douglas Greenwood, a parent, thanked the Board for agreeing to hire an independent engineering firm to conduct a safety inspection at West Jordan Elementary School and for their increased and on-going transparency.
  • Derrick Paul, a parent, asked the Board to reconsider the option of remodeling West Jordan Elementary School. He said there are not mistrust issues regarding the potential closure, parents simply want to see a safety report. Mr. Paul worries the timeline is too short for Board members to make the right decision regarding the future of West Jordan Elementary School.
  • Sarah Ujean said crossing guards are needed at all middle schools.
  • Pat and Claire Oliver, patrons, said the location and safety make West Jordan Elementary School the perfect location for a school. They asked the Board to set aside any preconceived notions regarding the future of the school and said the location is unbeatable for an elementary school.
  • Eric Hansen asked the Board not to react to fear and panic from groups around the State trying to get books banned and removed from Jordan schools.
  • Board Comments
  • Niki George thanked school nurses for the great care they give going above and beyond every single day.
  • Tracy Miller recognized PTA members for all the work they do fundraising this time of year. She attended the CTE 7th Grade Agriculture Days, which she said is a fantastic opportunity for students to explore everything related to agriculture. She thanked Language and Culture Services for organizing a very successful Fall Family Fair, which offered a wide variety of resources for students and their families. Ms. Miller attended the Bingham High School homecoming assembly where Board member Bryce Dunford was inducted into the Pay Dirt Club and she observed PLC’s at Riverton Elementary School where she said teachers are doing a phenomenal job collaborating.

Closed, Study Session
In closed session, Board members discussed personnel, property, potential litigation, and negotiations.

In open session, the Board discussed the recent West Jordan Elementary School Town Hall Meeting, West Joran Elementary School boundaries and Ridgeview Elementary School boundaries. They received an enrollment forecast report and discussed potential revisions to Administrative Policy D200 Philosophy of Instruction. The Board also discussed new Board member orientation.

– Sandy Riesgraf, Director of Communications

  1. Study Session – 29:47
    1. West Jordan Elementary Town Hall Discussion – 30:29
    2. Enrollment Forecast Report – 1:09:50
    3. Boundary Discussion for Ridgeview Elementary School – 1:59:52
    4. Discussion on West Jordan Elementary School Boundaries – 2:03:55
    5. Discussion of Potential Revisions to Administrative Policy D200 Philosophy of Instruction – 4:24:39
    6. New Board Member Orientation Discussion – 5:31:50
  2. General Session – 3:03:34
    1. Pledge of Allegiance – 3:05:21
    2. Reverence – 3:06:16
    3. Presentation – Celebrating Kelsey Peak Virtual Middle School – 3:06:56
    4. Resolutions of Appreciation – 3:13:32
    5. Recognitions – 3:14:31
    6. Superintendent Recognition – Jordan Education Foundation – 3:21:53
    7. Comments by Elected Officials – 3:19:25
  3. General Business – Approve Consent Agenda – 3:37:57
    1. Board Minutes
    2. LEA-Specific Educator Licensing
    3. Contract for Superintendent of Schools
    4. Contract for Business Administrator
  4. General Business – Accept Consent Agenda – 3:38:37
    1. Expenditures
    2. Financial Statements
    3. Personnel – Licensed and Education Support Professionals
    4. Certificates for Home Instruction
    5. Non-compliance Report
  5. Patron Comments – 3:39:08
  6. Bids – 3:56:36
    1. Central Warehouse – Various Colors of Hammermill Paper or Equal Brand
    2. Facility Services – Carpet Replacement at South Jordan Elementary School
    3. Teaching & Learning – Screencast Video Software Solutions
    4. Language & Culture Services – English Language Learning Software/Grades K-6/Imagine Learning
    5. Language & Culture Services – English Language Learning Software/ Grades 7 – 12/ELLevation
  7. Special Business Items – 4:00:27
    1. Recommendation to Approve Proposed Revisions to Administrative Policy A11 Naming of Facilities
  8. Information Items – 4:02:41
    1. Superintendent’s Report
  9. Discussion Items – 4:04:06
    1. Committee Reports and Comments by Board Members
  10. Adjourn – 4:06:04
    1. Motion to Adjourn to Closed Session
  11. Potential Closed Session
    1. Character and Competence of Individuals (Personnel)
    2. Property
    3. Potential Litigation
    4. Negotiations
    5. Security
Board of Education
Tracy J. Miller, President – Voting District 3
Bryce Dunford, First Vice President – Voting District 5
Marilyn Richards, Second Vice President – Voting District 4
Jen Atwood, Member – Voting District 7
Niki George, Member – Voting District 6
Darrell Robinson, Member – Voting District 1
Matthew Young, Member – Voting District 2