Jan. 28, 2025 Board Meeting Summary

Celebrating Kelsey Peak Virtual Middle School
Kelsey Peak Virtual Middle School students talked about the remarkable journey Kelsey Peak has been on during the school’s first five years. They said it is a pioneering school within JSD, a school where all students are seen and known. The students talked about opportunities to engage in safe online learning experiences and how the school develops lifelong leadership qualities in students. They said teachers are the backbone of student success at Kelsey Peak and those teachers help foster a passion for learning. The students enjoy a wide variety of opportunities to participate in both virtually and in-person. They are given a chance to be pathfinders, work at their own pace, and advocate for themselves. Students and staff thanked the Board for its support of Kelsey Peak Virtual Middle School.

Superintendent’s Report
Dr. Anthony Godfrey, Superintendent of Schools, said February is National Career and Technical Education (CTE) Month and Jordan School District will be celebrating in a number of ways with a wide variety of events. He said CTE is constantly creating unforgettable experiences for students. The Superintendent introduced CTE Director, Jason Skidmore, who said they celebrate CTE every single day in Jordan School District and educators are always looking for new opportunities for students. Mr. Skidmore said Board members will be invited into CTE classrooms during the month of February giving them a first-hand look at the unique experiences students have at JATC North and JATC South. He said they are always focusing on partnerships with industry and rely on the community to support CTE programs. Mr. Skidmore thanked Board of Education members for their support of students and staff in CTE.

Superintendent Godfrey thanked everyone involved in planning the upcoming 2025 Jordan School District Health and Wellness Day. He said support from the Board of Education is essential to the Health and Wellness Day and this year there are more opportunities in which employees may participate than ever before. He informed Board members that lesson plans have already been provided to families for Health and Wellness Day and the community support is tremendous.

  • Patron Comments
  • Amy Ludlow, a speech language pathologist in Jordan School District, is advocating for a pay increase for speech language pathologists throughout the District.
  • Wendy Berrett, a speech language pathologist in Jordan School District, is advocating for a pay increase so that JSD can be competitive in recruiting and retaining the very best and most qualified speech language pathologists.
  • Susie Cuzme, a former speech language pathologist in Jordan School District, invited the Board to learn more about the work of speech language pathologists to better understand their workload and everything they do for students.
  • Board Comments
  • Niki George recognized student members of the Copper Hills High School HOSA council for smashing records in school sponsored-blood drives, which are the largest in the State and some of the highest in the nation. Ms. George attended the Chinese New Year Celebration at Herriman High School which she described as phenomenal, thanking everyone who put so much effort into the event. Ms. George reported the Government Relations Committee will hold its annual lunch with legislators on the Hill on Thursday, Feb. 13. She attended a USBA rally at the State Capitol called the “Push Pause Initiative,” calling for a reduction in the number of education bills in this legislative session and she reminded everyone that February 20 is SBO Day on the hill.
  • Bryce Dunford reported on the latest Utah High School Activities Association meeting and said Jordan School District will stay in Region 2 for the 2025 – 2027 school years. He believes there may be challenges ahead with just 17 schools in 6A competition in the state.
  • Lisa Dean recognized several Elk Ridge Middle School students for being finalists in the Utah History Day competition. Ms. Dean attended the Jordan Ethnic Advisory Committee “What I Wish I Knew” conference which she said was outstanding and she applauded West Jordan High School for doing a really nice job hosting the Region Drill Competition.
  • Erin Barrow attended the Jordan Ethnic Advisory Committee’s “What I Wish I Knew” conference saying it was a wonderful experience.

Closed, Study Session
In closed session, the Board discussed personnel, property, potential litigation, negotiations and security.

In open session, the Board reviewed compliance with Open Meeting Law training, Robert’s Rules of Order and Calendar Committee representatives. The Board also discussed the 2025-26 Board meeting calendar and reviewed permit requests at Copper Hills High School. They also reviewed Board Committee assignments and legislative proposals. The Board shared information gathered by members at the recent USBA conference.

– Sandy Riesgraf, Director of Communications

  1. Study Session – 11:05
    1. Board Compliance with Open Meeting Law Training – 11:54
    2. Review of Robert’s Rules of Order – 36:36
    3. Calendar Committee Representatives – 1:19:43
    4. Permit Requests at Copper Hills High School – 1:25:59
    5. Board Meeting Calendar 2025-26 – 1:37:56
    6. Board Committee Assignment Review – 3:59:19
    7. Legislative Review – 4:15:32
    8. Utah School Boards Association (USBA) Conference Debrief – 4:58:02
  2. General Session – 2:41:10
    1. Pledge of Allegiance – 2:42:29
    2. Reverence – 2:43:33
    3. Presentation – Celebrating Kelsey Peak Virtual Middle School – 2:46:36
    4. Resolutions of Appreciation – 2:52:35
    5. Board Member Recognitions – 2:53:35
    6. Superintendent’s Recognitions – 3:02:55
  3. Public Comments – 3:10:25
    1. Guidelines for Public Comments
  4. General Business – Approve Consent Agenda – 3:17:07
    1. Board Minutes
    2. Board Meeting Calendar 2025-26
    3. Amendments to LAND Trust Plans for West Jordan Middle School and West Jordan High School
  5. General Business – Accept Consent Agenda – 3:17:55
    1. Expenditures
    2. Financial Statements
    3. Personnel – Licensed and Education Support Professionals
    4. Certificates for Home Instruction
    5. Non-compliance Report
  6. Bids – 3:18:35
    1. Riverton High School – HP Chromebooks & Licenses
    2. Information Systems – E-Rate Network Switch Upgrade
  7. Special Business Items – 3:25:49
  8. Information Items – 3:25:52
    1. Superintendent’s Report
  9. Discussion Items – 3:29:10
    1. Committee Reports and Comments by Board Members
  10. Adjourn – 5:09:37
    1. Motion to Adjourn to Closed Session
  11. Closed Session
    1. Character and Competence of Individuals (Personnel)
    2. Property
    3. Potential Litigation
    4. Negotiations
    5. Security
Board of Education
Niki George, President – Voting District 6
Bryce Dunford, First Vice President – Voting District 5
Brian W. Barnett, Second Vice President – Voting District 2
Erin Barrow, Member – Voting District 4
Lisa Dean, Member – Voting District 7
Darrell Robinson, Member – Voting District 1
Suzanne Wood, Member – Voting District 3