Aug. 27, 2019 Board Meeting Summary

The Board recognized the Jordan School District Facility Services team for constructing and opening five new schools on time and under budget for the 2019-20 school year. Board President Bryce Dunford called it a herculean task and members of the Facilities team received the first ever “Golden Hammer Award” for their accomplishments.

Special Business Items
The Board approved revisions to Administrative Policy DP339 Released Time – Professional, additions to the School Fee Schedule, and authorization for Real Salt Lake (RSL) Academy High School to Amend Charter.

Superintendent’s Report
Dr. Anthony Godfrey, Superintendent of Schools, reported on his activities for August. He asked the Jordan Child Development Center to present information to the Board regarding early intervention services they provide. The Superintendent said early intervention services benefit so many young families, including his own at one time.

Jill Durrant, Child Development Center Coordinator, said the Jordan Child Development Center (JCDC) has a huge impact on supporting families with children from birth to 3-years-old.

Shaun Mower, a specialist over early intervention services, said the JCDC serves 1055 students with developmental delays, disabilities and other diagnosed conditions. He said the center is a parent training model where specialists go into homes offering a wide variety of strategies for children in motor, social and emotional development. Mr. Mower said the JCDC uses some unique therapy for some children, including horse therapy. He said the goal is to maximize the quality of life for every child and family they serve. The JCDC is one of only 15 centers like it in the State of Utah.

  • Patron Comments
  • Karl McKenzie, a teacher, thanked the Board for listening at Truth in Taxation open houses and for rewarding teachers by increasing salaries.  He said teachers feel a great deal of gratitude. He said he appreciates the changes made to Teacher Grants allowing new educators to participate in the grant process.
  • Heather Reich, a teacher, thanked the Board for looking at a program to possibly keep Majestic Elementary School open.
  • Becky Rendell, a teacher, said she is grateful for all the Board has done for teachers and she wanted to thank them in person. She applauded the good work being done by employees at the Instructional Support Center.
  • Board Comments
  • Bryce Dunford said it was phenomenal to watch the monumental effort that went into opening Mountain Creek Middle School, particularly the building and staffing of the school. He was delighted to see that Superintendent Godfrey stopped by one of his elementary schools to visit a few classrooms and talk to students.
  • Tracy Miller said it was rewarding to reunite with some members of the citizens committee who helped to get the 2016 bond passed and visit the new schools that are a result of the successful 2016 bond. She was extremely impressed by a performance of the Mountain Ridge High School Madrigals at the Administrative Conference. Ms. Miller visited three schools on Back-to-School nights and is grateful for the good work of PTA’s in our schools. She recognized the hard work of school counselors this time of year.
  • Matt Young attended the open house at Mountain Point Elementary School. He said it is amazing how much work can get done in a short amount of time, getting the new schools open. Mr. Young commented on the fun things happening at Mountain Point Elementary. He also applauded West Jordan High School students and the school community for being great guests at a recent Riverton versus West Jordan High football game. He said the Finance and Audit Committee met and set the capital budget for the 2020-21 school year and the committee met with Herriman City officials who are requesting approval of an Innovations CDA.
  • Jen Atwood visited all of her schools and is in awe of the work being done by school administrators. Ms. Atwood also visited the new Wellness Center at Oquirrh Elementary School designed to help students be calm and mindful.
  • Janice Voorhies said the Copper Hills High community is very excited about the school’s football team winning two games in a row to start the season.
  • Darrell Robinson thanked everyone involved in the hard work that went into opening the new Mountain Ridge High School. He attended several Back-to-School nights and thanked PTA’s for their hard work. Mr. Robinson reported that the Innovations in Education Committee met and discussed the IB program at West Jordan High School, which he said is set to open on time.
  • Marilyn Richards reported that the renovations at Bingham High School are going well. She attended a tour of Mountain Ridge High School and said the facility is beautiful. Ms. Richards reported that the Government Relations Committee is currently working on legislative priorities.

Closed, Study Session
In closed session, Board members discussed personnel, property, security, potential litigation, and negotiations.

In open session, the Board reviewed a fifth-day enrollment report and discussed a potential boundary realignment to accommodate the new elementary school in West Jordan. They heard a presentation on grant funding for West Jordan secondary schools, discussed a proposed new administrative policy regarding employee code of conduct, summer capital projects and dedication plans for Mountain Ridge High School. The Board also discussed potential revisions to administrative policy AS66 Non-Resident and Charter School Enrollment. Board members reviewed Board Policy Ends 401 Student Achievement and received an update on educator grants.

– Sandy Riesgraf, Director of Communications

Board of Education
Bryce Dunford, President – Voting District 5
Tracy J. Miller, Vice President – Voting District 3
Matthew Young, Secretary – Voting District 2
Jen Atwood, Member – Voting District 7
Marilyn Richards, Member – Voting District 4
Darrell Robinson, Member – Voting District 1
Janice L. Voorhies, Member – Voting District 6