May 23, 2023 Board Meeting Summary

Celebrating Kings Peak Virtual High School
Kings Peak Virtual High School students talked about how much they enjoy the flexibility they have in learning and how much the school has grown since it opened. Currently, 250 full time students and 1400 part time students are enrolled. The students expressed appreciation for the high quality of learning options at Kings Peak and the personalized learning that is offered by teachers who truly care about student success. They said they are able to work toward future career goals in a supportive virtual environment and they had a great time at the second annual “Virtual Talent Show” offered by the school. One student expressed sincere thanks to Kings Peak for giving her life back to her and for being accessible and accommodating for students with special needs. The student said Kings Peak was an option when she needed it most in her life.

  • Recognitions
    Jordan Education Foundation Director Mike Haynes, along with JEF Board members and staff presented the following Outstanding Education Support Professional awards:
  • Mel Davis, Oakcrest Elementary School, Head Custodian
  • Lisa Parent, Oak Leaf Elementary School, Administrative Assistant
  • Carson Field, River’s Edge School/Jordan Behavior Assistance Team, Behavior Technician
  • Rick Thompson, Riverton High School, Head Custodian
  • Cheryl Jones, Hidden Valley Middle School, Lunch Manager
  • Brenda Veldevere, Purchasing, Senior Buyer
  • Nathan Morgan, West Jordan High School, Head Custodian
  • Matt Gardner, Teaching & Learning, ASB, JSD Mail Carrier
  • Lisa LeStarge, Business Services, Administrative Assistant
  • Mark Nelson, Head Custodian, Jordan School District Offices

Special Business Items
The Board approved a proposed increase in child nutrition meal prices for the 2023-24 school year and the calendar for the 2024-25 school year.

Superintendent’s Report
Dr. Anthony Godfrey, Superintendent of Schools, recognized Majestic Elementary Arts Academy teacher Shanna Scoville for being a recipient of the 2023 Utah Effective Teachers in High Poverty Schools award. Dr. Godfrey congratulated her on the huge accomplishment and thanked her for being a remarkable teacher achieving amazing outcomes for her students.

The Superintendent thanked students, teachers, staff, and parents for their hard work this school year in getting to the finish line. He said in some ways it has been a difficult year but some great academic achievements have been experienced.

  • Patron Comments
  • Lisa Morey, West Jordan Middle School librarian, said she wants students at her school reflected in the books they read. She asked the Board to allow schools to address concerns about books at the school level.
  • Wendi Stewart, a library specialist, said no school is exactly the same as another and she wants all students equally represented in books in school libraries. She asked that each campus be allowed to decide which books should be in the library.
  • Sydna Graf, South Hills Middle librarian, said there are so many great things happening in school libraries. She asked the Board to allow librarians to use their expertise to order and process books.
  • Crystal Hansen, a parent and certified librarian, said she believes there are sound policies in place regarding book selection and review processes and they continue to work. Ms. Hanson said other parents should not dictate what her children read.
  • Steven Bart, a parent, said he believes books should be looked at as a whole and one element in a book should not be grounds for the book being removed from a library.
  • Christopher Kirkland, a parent, suggested that all books written after 2000 should be approved to be used in a school library and any books written before 2000 should continue to be allowed on library shelves.
  • Heidi Hunt, a parent, asked the Board to take another look at bussing ALPS students if the need has increased in the District.
  • Nicole Christoffersen, a parent, asked the Board to consider the creation of a dual pathway for students to shorten their school day.
  • Board Comments
  • Tracy Miller attended the State PTA convention and reported that Superintendent Godfrey was reinstated as the superintendent representative on the State PTA.
  • Niki George said it has been an incredible and busy time in JSD schools. She attended the Bingham High School and West Jordan High school “People of the Pacific” fundraiser which she described as phenomenal. Ms. George attended the Antelope Canyon “Pronghorn Awards,” thanking everyone for their efforts in recognizing students,
  • Darrell Robinson recognized the Mountain Ridge girls lacrosse team for a great game in the semi-finals and said he is very proud the team is now heading to the State Championships for the second time in school history.
  • Lisa Dean attended the Career Day at Valley High and appreciates all the people who put in the hard work to help students and their futures. She recognized Ami Shah for organizing an amazing Native American Night event saying it is nice to see all the efforts districtwide to make everyone feel included. Ms. Dean also attended Jazz Night at West Jordan High School and the closing event at West Jordan Elementary School, where she witnessed generations of families come together to celebrate the history of West Jordan Elementary. Ms. Dean attended the Salt Lake County Parks and Recreation Advisory Committee and reported the Valley Regional Park in Taylorsville will open Memorial Day weekend, the Bingham Creek Regional Park in South Jordan will officially open June 22, and the Butterfield Trail System is almost complete and will open in September.
  • Marilyn Richards attended the Jordan Ridge Elementary School Culture Night and Majestic Elementary Arts Academy Spring Soiree, which she said was incredible. Ms. Richards also attended the Bingham High School Ballroom Dance concert describing it as fabulous. She also attended the JATC South awards night and the Retirement Dinner which Ms. Richards said was a wonderful night. She reported on the Facilities Committee which will meet on June 6 to review summer project bids and reported that the District has received $300.000 in federal grant money for seismic studies.

Closed, Study Session
In closed session, Board members discussed personnel, property, potential litigation, and negotiations.

In open session, the Board reviewed the 2024-25 calendar survey and received information about 2023-24 school permits. They discussed a bid for demolition of West Jordan Elementary School and Portrait of a Graduate.

– Sandy Riesgraf, Director of Communications

  1. Study Session – 9:12
    1. Review of 2023-24 Calendar Survey – 9:53 
    2. 2023-24 School Permits – 19:51
    3. Discussion on Bid for Demolition of West Jordan Elementary School – 1:00:59
    4. Portrait of a Graduate Follow-Up – 1:16:57
  2. General Session – 2:39:33
    1. Pledge of Allegiance – 2:41:06
    2. Reverence – 2:41:34
    3. Presentation – Celebrating Kings Peak Virtual High School – 2:42:18
    4. Recognitions – Jordan Education Foundation Outstanding Education Support Professionals – 2:49:51
    5. Board Recognitions – 3:15:44
    6. Superintendent’s Recognitions – 3:30:49
  3. Public Comments – 3:33:56
    1. Comments by Elected Officials
    2. Patron Comments
  4. General Business – Approve Consent Agenda – 3:56:23
    1. Board Minutes
  5. General Business – Accept Consent Agenda – 3:57:01
    1. Expenditures
    2. Financial Statements
    3. Personnel – Licensed and Education Support Professionals
    4. Certificates for Home Instruction
    5. Non-compliance Report
  6. Bids – 3:57:54
    1. Bingham High School – Weight Room Equipment
    2. Fort Herriman Middle School – iPads & Licenses
    3. West Hills Middle School – HP Chromebooks & Licenses
    4. Special Education – Special Education Platform (IEP, 504, Medicaid & HCP)
    5. Student Services – Panorama Annual Contract Licenses
    6. Teaching & Learning – Skill Struck
    7. Teaching & Learning – Consulting Services for Portrait of a Graduate and Districtwide Strategic Plan
    8. Facility Services – Building Demolition of West Jordan Elementary School
    9. Nutrition Services – Uniforms & Shoes
  7. Special Business Items – 4:59:24
    1. Recommendation to Approve Proposed Increase in Child Nutrition Meal Prices for 2023-24 School Year
    2. Recommendation to Approve Calendar for 2024-25 School Year
  8. Information Items – 5:15:12
    1. Superintendent’s Report
  9. Discussion Items – 5:16:01
    1. Committee Reports and Comments by Board Members
  10. Adjourn – 5:24:25
    1. Motion to Adjourn to Closed Session
  11. Potential Closed Session
    1. Character and Competence of Individuals (Personnel)
    2. Property
    3. Potential Litigation
    4. Negotiations
    5. Security
Board of Education
Tracy J. Miller, President – Voting District 3
Niki George, First Vice President – Voting District 6
Darrell Robinson, Second Vice President – Voting District 1
Brian W. Barnett, Member – Voting District 2
Lisa Dean, Member – Voting District 7
Bryce Dunford, Member – Voting District 5
Marilyn Richards, Member – Voting District 4