Celebrating Jordan Academy for Technology and Careers (JATC) South and North
JATC Student Council Presidents Julia Freire Sabino (JATC North) and Chayse Robison (JATC South) talked about the wide variety of opportunities offered in Career and Technical Education at both campuses of JATC. They said students are allowed to dive deeply into academic content and internship opportunities are available in local businesses and industry. Julia and Chayse also talked about the state and national competitions in which JATC students can be a part and find success in their participation. Teachers at JATC prepare students for the future and become valued mentors. In closing, Julia and Chayse said JATC fosters an atmosphere of passion and dedication to education. They thanked the Board for supporting the work being done at both campuses.
Superintendent’s Recognition
Dr. Anthony Godfrey, Superintendent of Schools, attended the Jordan Education Foundation’s “Christmas for Kids” event at Walmart calling it a tremendous day. The event served more than 600 students this year and Dr. Godfrey said it was moving to see the level of support from community members, volunteers, District staff, and community partners. He described “Christmas for Kids” as something personal that is all about making connections between students and volunteers. He called it life-changing for everyone involved.
Superintendent’s Annual Report to the Board of Education
Superintendent Godfrey presented his annual report to the Board of Education saying great things are going on in the District and he is grateful to be in his position and wants to make the most of every moment. Dr. Godfrey said his goal is to create an environment where everyone can be at their best including students, teachers, staff, and himself as Superintendent of Schools. He deeply admires the people he works with in the District including the Board of Education.
The Superintendent expressed appreciation for the 20,000 people who responded to a recent Portrait of a Graduate survey saying it was a very impressive and positive response from students, parents, staff, and members of the community. He talked about student achievement reporting that graduation rates over the past five years have been higher compared to the previous seven years. He recognized the hard work of all JSD educators, telling the story of a group of sixty kindergarten through third grade teachers who taught students in a way last year that resulted in a full year’s growth in literacy in 100% of their students. The Superintendent also talked about addressing and meeting the needs of a changing demographic of students and families in the District.
Dr. Godfrey concluded by saying he appreciates everyone who makes Jordan School District such a great place to be and for giving him a backstage pass to witness it all in his role as Superintendent.
Special Business Item
The Board approved an amended budget for the 2023-24 Fiscal Year.
- Patron Comments
- Shauna Robertson, a teacher, said it would be nice if educators could be trusted as professionals to develop curriculum without so much input regarding community standards.
- Aimee Rodriguez Dinehart, a teacher, said she disagrees with those who say a Spanish DLI program is needed at Aspen Elementary School. She does not believe it will help the English language learners at Aspen.
- Board Comments
- Tracy Miller visited the Copper Mountain Middle School Family Engagement Center and described it as a great experience. Ms. Miller was also honored to be a judge at the “We the People” competition at South Jordan Elementary School which she said is an amazing experience for students. She also attended Hidden Valley Middle School’s production of the musical “Frozen,” which had many students participating in two separate casts. Ms. Miller attended the “Christmas for Kids” event saying it was a huge success and she reported on the USBA conference which will be held on January 6, 2024.
- Darrell Robinson recognized the Herriman High School Cross Country team which recently made history as the first team in Utah ever to take home the first-place title at the Nike Cross Nationals in Portland, Oregon. The team coach, Doug Soles, thanked everyone for their support, especially the student athlete families and Principal Todd Quarnberg. Mr. Robinson reported on the next Jordan Parent Advisory Committee meeting which is scheduled for January 30, 2024.
- Niki George thanked everyone who planned and participated in the JSD Legislative Breakfast saying it was a great success.
- Lisa Dean attended the Majestic Elementary Arts Academy Winter Gala and said hearing the music and seeing the student artwork was extraordinary. She also attended the opening of the District’s second Family Engagement Center at Joel P. Jensen Middle School. She reported on the Jordan Ethnic Advisory Committee which will hold its “What I Wish I Knew” conference on January 16 and Board members are invited,
Closed, Study Session
In closed session, Board members discussed personnel, property, security, and potential litigation. In open session, the Board received the annual comprehensive guidance report and reviewed Administrative Policy AA447 Out-of-District Student Enrollment. They discussed Administrative Policy DE501 Curriculum Adoption and Review Committee, the timeline for a potential boundary change for Aspen Elementary School, and funding options for a new elementary school in South Jordan. The Board also discussed revisions to Board Policy GP110 Public Participation at Board Meetings.
– Sandy Riesgraf, Director of Communications
- Study Session – 6:44
- Comprehensive Guidance Report – 7:02
- Review of Administrative Policy AA447 Out-of-District Student Enrollment – 22:20
- Discussion on Administrative Policy DE501 Curriculum Adoption and Review Committee – 31:09
- Discussion on Timeline for Potential Boundary Change for Aspen Elementary School – 1:00:32
- Continued Discussion on Funding Options for New Elementary School in South Jordan – 1:43:55
- Revisions to Board Policy GP110 Public Participation at Board Meetings – 2:00:23
- General Session – 2:38:17
- Public Comments – 3:04:48
- Guidelines for Public Comments
- Comments by Elected Officials
- Patron Comments
- General Business – Approve Consent Agenda – 3:10:39
- Board Minutes
- Kings Peak Virtual High School Community Council Membership
- LEA-Specific Educator Licensing
- Social Media Litigation Representation Agreement
- Ratification of Prior Action Regarding Amendment to Timeline for Ivory Land Development Property Trade Agreement
- General Business – Accept Consent Agenda – 3:12:02
- Expenditures
- Financial Statements
- Personnel – Licensed and Education Support Professionals
- Certificates for Home Instruction
- Non-compliance Report
- Bids – 3:12:28
- Riverton High School – Chromebooks & Licenses
- Career and Technical Education FANUC Robots with NOCTI Certification Training – JATC North & Copper Hills High School
- Special Business Items – 3:16:46
- BUDGET HEARING: Recommendation to Approve Amended Budget for the 2023-24 Fiscal Year
- Information Items – 3:29:52
- Superintendent’s Annual Report to the Board of Education
- Discussion Items – 4:25:21
- Committee Reports and Comments by Board Members
- Adjourn – 4:39:49
- Motion to Adjourn to Closed Session
- Potential Closed Session
- Character and Competence of Individuals (Personnel)
- Property
- Potential Litigation
- Negotiations
- Security
Tracy J. Miller, President – Voting District 3
Niki George, First Vice President – Voting District 6
Darrell Robinson, Second Vice President – Voting District 1
Brian W. Barnett, Member – Voting District 2
Lisa Dean, Member – Voting District 7
Bryce Dunford, Member – Voting District 5
Marilyn Richards, Member – Voting District 4