2025-26 School Choice Permit Window Open

The school choice open enrollment (permit) window for the 2025-26 school year is now open.  Students currently attending on a school choice permit will NOT need to reapply for a permit if they are remaining at the same school for the 2025-26 school year. Students who desire to move schools or any student currently on the waitlist without a permit must reapply to be considered for a 2025-26 permit.

The 2025-26 school choice application is available at:

Please note: These links will forward you to the permit application and must be entered without an “https”.

To view the school choice permit procedures, please go to planning.jordandistrict.org/enrollment/schoolchoice/.

La ventana de inscripción abierta (permiso) de elección de escuela para el año escolar 2025-26 ya está abierta. Los estudiantes que actualmente asisten con un permiso de elección de escuela NO necesitarán volver a solicitar un permiso si permanecerán en la misma escuela para el año escolar 2025-26. Los estudiantes que deseen mudarse de escuela o cualquier estudiante que se encuentre actualmente en la lista de espera sin un permiso deben volver a
presentar una solicitud para ser considerados para un permiso 2025-26.

La solicitud de elección de escuela 2025-26 está disponible en:

Tenga en cuenta: estos enlaces lo reenviarán a la solicitud de permiso y deben ingresarse sin un “https”.

Para ver los procedimientos de permiso de elección de escuela, visite planning.jordandistrict.org/enrollment/schoolchoice/.

Holiday Plant Sale at JATC South Greenhouse Starts November 18

JATC Winter Plant Sale

The JATC South Greenhouse Winter Plant Sale is from November 18 through December 20 in Riverton. You can purchase poinsettias in various colors, Christmas cactus, and succulent bowls. All proceeds benefit the JATC South Urban Horticulture program.

JATC South Greenhouse’s hours of operation are regular school days, 8 a.m. – 3 p.m., and they accept cash or credit cards, no checks. Supplies are limited.

JATC South is located at 12723 South, Park Ave. in Riverton.

Kids Having Fun and Being Kind During “Kindness Spirit Week” at Butterfield Canyon Elementary

It is a week focusing on kindness combined with lots of fun at Butterfield Canyon Elementary School. This is “Kindness Spirit Week” at the school. Every day has a dress up theme and a character dare like inviting a new friend to play or sit by at lunch. Other character dares included compliment five people today, write a note to cheer someone up, and be kind to the school by cleaning up a mess that wasn’t yours.

Students did a great job successfully carrying out the acts of kindness. They also enjoyed the dress up days like today which was “Generation Day” where students and staff could dress like a baby, a teenager, or a senior citizen. Thursday they all get to dress up as their favorite superheroes, and Friday is “Pajama Day.”

Keep up the great work being kind at Butterfield Canyon!

Students dressed up for Kindness Day

Bingham High School Students Take Top Honors at Regional Autotech Competition

Bingham High students take top honors at regional Autotech CompetitionFive Bingham High School students had an unforgettable experience at round one of the Weber State University Autotech Competition. The annual contest is for top-scoring automotive high school seniors from Utah and surrounding states to compete for scholarships, tools, and a vehicle for their school.

Three of the five students, Alex Young, Zackary Nelson, and Caden Kilcrease, will move on to the second round of competition in February, with Alex receiving a first-place win at his station in the first round. “We had an awesome group this year!” said instructor Aaron Metcalf, “They really did a great job.”

Great job to all the students who participated in this year’s Autotech Competition. Your hard work and effort shined through. Good luck to Alex, Zackary, and Caden in the second round.

South Valley School Honors Veterans with Personal Words of Thanks

South Valley students and staff paid respect to military men and women in a personal way on this Veterans Day. They made home-made cards with words of thanks and appreciation for those who have served this country. The cards were handed out to a number of local veterans who showed up at South Valley School for a tour today. The veterans met with students, handed out small American flags, and were touched by the cards they received.

Thank you to all military veterans for your service and for helping all Americans have the freedoms they enjoy each and every day.