UDOT Construction Work on Bangerter Highway Inspires Hilarious Middle School Halloween Costumes at Elk Ridge Middle School

Elk Ridge Middle School Traffic Cone CostumesThey have been surrounded by construction work and traffic cones on Bangerter Highway the entire school year. That’s why Elk Ridge Middle School Principal Bryan Leggat and his team decided there was only one option for a group Halloween costume this year. They dressed as orange traffic cones!

Thanks to UDOT for the Halloween costume inspiration and for the careful and collaborative work with Elk Ridge Middle School during the on-going construction work along 9800 South.

Happy Halloween from the caring traffic cone team at Elk Ridge Middle.

Jordan Virtual Learning Academy Students Enjoy Boo-tiful Halloween

It was a day that turned into a wicked good time for students in the Jordan Virtual Learning Academy on Wednesday. That’s because they all gathered for a Halloween Trunk or Treat, not virtually, but in person. The students and staff had frightening fun dressing up in creative costumes. They followed the path around cars and trucks wondering “witch “way to the candy and treats? It was a bewitching time and fun for all on Halloween eve!

Happy Halloween from students and staff at the Jordan Virtual Learning Academy.

Majestic Elementary Arts Academy Students Dress Up in Creative Costumes, Dance, and Sing, During Halloween Parade Through Gardner Village

It was an elementary school parade like no other as Majestic Elementary Arts Academy students gathered at Gardner Village Wednesday afternoon to sing, dance, and proudly display their creative costumes. Rather than have students parade through the halls of school for Halloween, the principal decided it would be fun and festive to hold their big spooky and spectacular celebration at Gardner Village. The Arts Academy students performed “Thriller” in front of shoppers at Gardner Village, the choir performed as well. Then the ghosts, goblins, minions, pirates, princesses, and more paraded past shops throughout the village for all to enjoy.

Happy Halloween from students at Majestic Elementary School Arts Academy.

Supercast Episode 268: Juniper Elementary School Students Plant a Special Tree Hoping to Inspire Traditions and a Culture of Kindness at Their New School

Dr. Godfrey with students and staff from Juniper ElementaryJuniper Elementary students are hoping new traditions of kindness and caring take root at their brand-new school. They recently planted a new tree outside to represent their hopes and dreams.

On this episode of the Supercast, we join Juniper students, staff, and parents for a tree planting ceremony. It was the planting of not just any tree, but a Juniper, a type of tree best known for its strength and ability to grow almost anywhere in any conditions.

Students Enjoy the Greatest Crunch on Earth During Apple Crunch Day

Students, teachers, and staff, enjoyed a sweet treat before heading out for fall break. They got to bite into a delicious apple, celebrating “Apple Crunch Day,” a little bit early.

Each October, schools across Utah celebrate National Farm to School Month by crunching into Utah-grown apples. “Apple Crunch Day” is a way to get students excited about delicious local produce, help them understand where their food comes from, and a way to support local farmers.

This year the 35,000 apples served up for “Apple Crunch Day” in Jordan School District came from Pyne Farms in Santaquin, Utah. We hope everyone enjoyed their healthy snack, biting into a crisp, juicy apple with fellow students and staff.