Hundreds of Utah School District Leaders Join with Law Enforcement and Others for Conference on Keeping Students Safe in School

School Safety Conference and Riverton High School Thanks to the School Safety Center, hundreds of school district leaders, law enforcement, and others from around Utah are better equipped with the knowledge and ability to keep students, teachers, and staff safe in our schools.

The School Safety Center brought everyone together at Riverton High School this week for the 2024 Utah School Safety Conference. The conference provides a powerful opportunity for K-12 leaders to learn from nationally recognized speakers, as well as acquire knowledge and programs that support comprehensive school safety.

We appreciate everyone from Jordan School District, and others from districts and law enforcement around the state, who took the time to focus on safety by attending this valuable conference.

School is Back in Session for Summer Jordan PREP Students

Some Jordan School District students are already back in class and having a blast with some really cool hands-on learning. It is part of a free six-week summer program called Jordan PREP,  (PRe freshman Engineering Program).

Jordan PREP is a rigorous academic mathematics-based summer enrichment program that identifies high achieving middle school students with an interest in Science, Technology, Engineering, and Math and STEM related fields. The students decide to join the Jordan PREP Program when they are 11 and 12 years old and commit to the program through their senior year in high school.

A big thanks to Stacy Pierce who is the driving force behind the program, bringing it to Jordan School District and the students we serve.

Student Operated Hair Salon Opens Inside West Jordan Middle School to Meet Needs of Students and Community

Pictures of new hair salonIt is a first of its kind in Jordan School District and will help students and members of the community who struggle to afford the cost of haircuts. The Lions Mane Hair Salon, operated by students in the Barbering Program at JATC South, will be open for business on Wednesdays during the month of June. The salon is open from 10 a.m. – 1 p.m. and accepts walk-ins only, no appointments. The Lions Mane is exclusively for haircuts, no other salon services are provided.

The cost for a haircut is $8.00 and all clients are asked to enter through the front office at West Jordan Middle School.

Jordan School District Students Give Life-Saving Blood to Thousands of Patients and the Need Continues Over Summer Months

Riverton High School Blood Drive During the 2023-24 school year Jordan School District high school’s sponsored 20 blood drives which helped ARUP Blood Services collect 1,385 units of blood. Because of the generosity and compassion of JSD high school students, staff, teachers, and families, as many as 4,155 patients received life-saving blood products in the 2023-24 school year.

 ARUP Blood Services is extremely grateful to Jordan School District for its support of blood drives at high schools throughout the school year, but they want everyone to know the need does not diminish or go away over the summer months.

If you would like to donate blood to ARUP during the summer or anytime, visit