2024-25 School Choice Permit Window Open

The school choice open enrollment (permit) window for the 2024-25 school year is now open.  Students currently attending on a school choice permit will NOT need to reapply for a permit if they are remaining at the same school for the 2024-25 school year. Students who desire to move schools or any student currently on the waitlist without a permit must reapply to be considered for a 2024-25 permit.

The 2024-25 school choice application is available at:

Please note: These links will forward you to the permit application and must be entered without an “https”. To view the school choice permit procedures, please go to planning.jordandistrict.org/enrollment/schoolchoice/.

La ventana de inscripción abierta (permiso) de elección de escuela para el año escolar 2024-25 ya está abierta. Los estudiantes que actualmente asisten con un permiso de elección de escuela NO necesitarán volver a solicitar un permiso si permanecerán en la misma escuela para el año escolar 2024-25. Los estudiantes que deseen mudarse de escuela o cualquier estudiante que se encuentre actualmente en la lista de espera sin un permiso deben volver a presentar una solicitud para ser considerados para un permiso 2024-25.

La solicitud de elección de escuela 2024-25 está disponible en:

Tenga en cuenta: estos enlaces lo reenviarán a la solicitud de permiso y deben ingresarse sin un “https”. Para ver los procedimientos de permiso de elección de escuela, visite planning.jordandistrict.org/enrollment/schoolchoice/.

Tree Planting Day at Riverton Elementary School Fun and Environmentally Friendly

It was a day to dig in and work together for future generations. Students, staff, and parents participated with Tree Utah in a tree planting day at Riverton Elementary School. They invested in the future by planting 20 trees throughout the school property. It was an opportunity for everyone to join forces for future generations of students.

More than 25 years ago, the School Community Council invested in the future of Riverton Elementary by creating an Outdoor Classroom. Their foresight provided respite for students and teachers during the pandemic. Similarly, Tree Utah is enabling the school to look forward, perhaps another 25 years, to future generations enjoying themselves at Riverton Elementary, finding respite in the shade of 20 trees just planted on school grounds.

Thank you to everyone who participated in this amazing project!

Majestic Elementary Arts Academy Teacher Performs at University of Utah Football Game

Ms. Blodgett standing next to the University of Utah mascot Last week, the University of Utah football game vs. Arizona State University paid a special tribute to military veterans. As part of the game’s halftime show, Majestic Elementary Arts Academy’s band teacher, Lisa Blodgett, performed with the Utah National Guard 23rd Army Band. They played the service songs of each military branch to pay tribute to former and current members of the United States Military.

We are so proud of Ms. Blodgett and thank her for her service to her students and her country.

Students Perform Emotional & Patriotic Veterans Day Program for Parents, Community, and Members of the Military

It was an emotional morning filled with pride and a salute to every branch of the military at Blackridge Elementary and Falcon Ridge Elementary Schools. Students took the stage in a patriotic performance to commemorate past and present members of the military for Veterans Day. Some parents, grandparents, and other family members of students were in uniform as they were honored for their service. The Veterans Day Celebration at Blackridge was called “Freedom Is Not Free.”

Thank you to all members of the military, past and present, for your service.

West Jordan City Firefighters Reward Art Contest Winner with a Special Ride to School

Mountain Shadows Fire Truck Ride Mountain Shadows Elementary School student Emmett Andrewsen and his sister had an unforgettable start to the school. West Jordan City firefighters gave them a ride to school on one of the department’s fire engines. The ride was a reward for Emmett winning a city-wide “Fire Prevention Week” Art Contest. The firetruck was greeted at the school by cheering students and parents and made for a fun start to the morning.

Thank you, West Jordan City Fire Department, for creating a unique and fun education experience for students in the Jordan School District.