Eastlake’s Fun Run Obstacle Course Raises Funds for the School with an Unforgettable Twist

The School Community Council of Eastlake recently organized a Fun Run Obstacle Course as their annual fundraiser.The goal was to generate funds for math assistants to support the ongoing math growth at Eastlake, paralleling the success of their reading support programs. However, this event had a unique twist. Every student who donated had the extraordinary opportunity to participate in taping their principal, Kristie Howe, to the wall, with approximately 900 pieces of tape holding her securely in place.

Great job, Eastlake students, staff, and community, supporting student achievements. Keep up the great work.

Foothills Elementary School Students Have Some Fun after Reaching Reading Goal

Principal Wilson taped to the wall.It was a celebration which Foothills Elementary School students earned after doing something they love. Principal Cherie Wilson challenged all grades to read a total of one million minutes in two-and-a-half months. If they conquered the challenge, students would be treated to an assembly where Principal Wilson and Assistant Principal Gandara would be duct taped to the wall and teachers would get pies in the face. When all the time spent reading was tallied, the students achieved the goal of reading one million minutes in less than two months and the assembly was on.

Congratulations, Foothills Elementary students! Keep up your love for reading all summer long and beyond.

West Hills Middle Teacher is Honored as Siegfried and Jensen “Teacher of the Month”

West Hills Teacher and PrincipalShe is a teacher who has a special impact on many, many lives and that is one reason why Melanie Stoker was selected as Siegfried and Jensen’s “Teacher of the Month.” Ms. Stoker is a Language Arts Special Education teacher at West Hills Middle School.

Principal Cynthia Vandermeiden said Melanie Stoker is the kind of teacher who has great connections with students, is always positive, and is great at working with parents. She is described as compassionate and always thinks about the needs of others first.

Siegfried and Jensen surprised Ms. Stoker with her “Teacher of the Month” award during a school assembly. She received a variety of gifts, money for her classroom, and will be featured on a billboard along I-15 in the Salt Lake Valley.

Congratulations to this amazing teacher! Keep up the wonderful work.

Principal and Teachers Become Human Ice Cream Sundaes to Celebrate Success of School Fundraiser for PTA

Human SundaesMountain Shadows Elementary School Principal Tina Susuico turned into a human ice cream sundae along with several teachers during a fun-filled end of the year event. It was all part of activities to celebrate the success of the school’s PTA fundraiser. Several teachers were wrapped in toilet paper to look like cotton swabs, others were covered in silly string, got pies in the face, were doused with buckets of water, and two teachers were duct taped to the wall.

It was an exciting way to end the school year with students cheering Principal Susuico and their teachers on as they all celebrated the hard work of students raising money for PTA.

Jordan School District Class of 2023

Congratulations to the Jordan School District graduating Class of 2023! Today marks a significant milestone in your lives, and we couldn’t be more proud of your hard work and achievements. Wishing you a future filled with success, happiness, and endless possibilities!