Health and Wellness Day Reminder

Dear Jordan School District Students/Families,

This is a reminder that our Third Annual Health and Wellness Day is tomorrow, Friday, February 9, 2024 for employees, students, and families. Students will not attend school in person on this day.

On February 9, the District is providing a K-12 Health and Wellness curriculum directly to parents and students. There will be no in person attendance for students so that families and employees can focus on their health and wellness.

We invite you to listen to the Superintendent’s latest “Supercast” podcast episode which describes age and grade-level appropriate Health and Wellness Day lesson plan options for students.

What is Wellness Day?
An opportunity for JSD students and families to prioritize their personal wellness through at-home activities. All activities can be found at Lessons for each grade level, including lessons modified for students with accommodations, can be found on this page. Please visit for all Wellness Day content.

All Wellness Day activities use JSD School Psychologist Casey Pehrson’s SELFIE model for personal wellness: Sleep, Exercise, Light, Fun, Interaction, and Eating right.

Wellness Day Participation Prizes
Have your student/s share his or her Wellness Day activities with us for a chance to win great prizes like brand new Skullcandy headphones provided by Skullcandy, Park City. Just fill out the Wellness Day form provided at this link for a chance to win!

About The SELFIE Method
The SELFIE Method is an acronym for self-care and a powerful arsenal against depression. Feeling down and want to feel good? Or do you feel pretty good and want to feel even better? Take a SELFIE. No matter where you are on the well-being “scale,” this six-item toolkit will help you kick your energy, health, and happiness up a notch (or several).

Students will NOT attend school this day and are encouraged to work with their friends and family to complete wellness activities that support their personal wellness.

Your Wellness Quest awaits! To review a list of ideas and activities for your student to try, visit our wellness day website.

Estimados estudiantes/familias del Distrito Escolar de Jordan:

Este es un recordatorio de que nuestra tercera edición anual El Día de la Salud y el Bienestar es mañana viernes 9 de febrero de 2024 para empleados, estudiantes y familias. Los estudiantes no asistirán a la escuela en persona ese día.

El 9 de febrero, el Distrito proporcionará un plan de estudios de Salud y Bienestar K-12 directamente a padres y estudiantes. No habrá asistencia presencial para los estudiantes por lo que las familias y los empleados pueden centrarse en su salud y bienestar.

Lo invitamos a escuchar el último episodio del podcast “Supercast” del Superintendente que describe las opciones de planes de lecciones para el Día de la Salud y el Bienestar apropiadas para la edad y el nivel de grado de los estudiantes.

¿Qué es el Día del Bienestar?
Una oportunidad para que los estudiantes y las familias de JSD prioricen su bienestar personal a través de actividades en casa. Todas las actividades se pueden encontrar en En esta página se pueden encontrar lecciones para cada nivel de grado, incluidas las lecciones modificadas para estudiantes con adaptaciones. Por favor visita para todo el contenido del Día del Bienestar.

Todas las actividades del Día del Bienestar utilizan el modelo SELFIE del psicólogo escolar de JSD, Casey Pehrson, para el bienestar personal: sueño, ejercicio, luz, diversión, interacción y alimentación adecuada.

Premios de participación en el Día del Bienestar
Haga que sus estudiantes compartan sus actividades del Día del Bienestar con nosotros para tener la oportunidad de ganar fantásticos premios, como nuevos auriculares Skullcandy proporcionados por Skullcandy, Park City. ¡Simplemente complete el formulario del Día del Bienestar que se proporciona en este enlace para tener la oportunidad de ganar!

Acerca del método SELFIE
El Método SELFIE es un acrónimo de autocuidado y un poderoso arsenal contra la depresión. ¿Te sientes deprimido y quieres sentirte bien? ¿O te sientes bastante bien y quieres sentirte aún mejor? Toma una selfie. No importa dónde se encuentre en la “escala” de bienestar, este conjunto de herramientas de seis elementos lo ayudará a aumentar su energía, salud y felicidad a un nivel (o varios).

Los estudiantes NO asistirán a la escuela este día y se les anima a trabajar con sus amigos y familiares para completar actividades de bienestar que apoyen su bienestar personal.

¡Tu búsqueda de bienestar te espera! Para revisar una lista de ideas y actividades para que su estudiante pruebe, visite nuestro sitio web del día del bienestar.

Jordan School District Teachers Win State Wide CTE Awards

Congratulations to two Jordan School District CTE teachers for winning state-wide awards at this year’s UTAH Association for Career and Technical Education (ACTE) conference. The awards highlight outstanding educators dedicated to furthering career and technical education programs.

JATC South’s Richard Clayton was awarded New Teacher of the Year for the State of Utah. The award recognizes teachers with 3-5 years of experience who have made significant contributions toward innovative and unique career and technical education programs and have shown a professional commitment early in their careers.

Mr. Clayton was recognized for being instrumental in collaborating with the Utah State Board of Education (USBE) to develop standardized “Strands and Standards” for Career and Technical Education (CTE) programs, with a specific focus on Emergency Medical Services (EMS). He has collaborated with another school district in Utah, helping them successfully launch a program mirroring his own. Mr. Clayton is also known for his engagement with parents, hosting induction ceremonies, and adopting innovative teaching methods, such as utilizing students to teach CPR classes to sophomores.

Bingham High School’s Pepper Poulsen was awarded Champion for CTE. This award recognizes education leaders, industry executives, celebrities, thought leaders, and other individuals who have significantly impacted the improvement and expansion of CTE programs.

Ms. Poulsen was recognized for her 26 years in career and Technical Education (CTE), holding roles such as CTE Teacher, Work-Based Learning Coordinator, Guidance Counselor, and CTE Coordinator. Her work includes the creation of the Entrepreneurship Academy in partnership with the Jordan Education Foundation, providing students with mentorship opportunities. Ms Poulsen has been involved with Utah ACTE for 26 years, with 21 years on the Executive Committee; she has also contributed nationally as the National Awards chair for ACTE and the Region V awards chair.

Congratulations to both of these outstanding educators and thank you for your dedication to students in Jordan School District. These awards are well deserved.

Eastlake Elementary School Students Have Fun Celebrating Chinese New Year

It was a colorful performance as students at Eastlake Elementary School celebrated the Chinese New Year. This is the “Year of the Dragon,” and students performed in cultural attire, singing and dancing to the delight of everyone who attended.

Eastlake Elementary is a Dual Language Immersion (DLI) school where students learn to be fluent in both English and Mandarin.

If you are interested in getting your kindergarten student started in a DLI program, enroll today at

Herriman High School Hosts Community Chinese New Year Celebration Filled with Fun for the Whole Family

It will be an unforgettable night thanks to everyone involved in organizing the third annual community Chinese New Year Celebration at Herriman High School. The celebration gives everyone the opportunity to experience Chinese culture by participating in a wide variety of activities, tasting delicious food, and attending cultural performances. The event is free and organizers say the goal is to spread the beauty of Chinese culture and language.

Chinese Dual Language Immersion students, along with others involved in the community celebration, recently showed up in-person to invite South Jordan City Mayor Dawn Ramsey and other city leaders to attend the event and you are invited as well.

  • WHAT: The Annual Chinese New Year Celebration
  • WHEN: Thursday, February 8, 4:30 – 7 p.m.
  • WHERE: Herriman High School, 11917 S. Mustang Trail Way, Herriman

Elk Meadows Students Rise to the Top in Utah Winning Statewide Investment Competition

Picture of Gavin, Nathaniel and Ms. Smith with awardsMore than 4,500 students from across the state participated in the Fall 2023 Utah Treasurer’s Investment Challenge, competing in elementary, middle, and high school divisions. In the elementary division, two amazing Elk Meadows Elementary School students took top honors. Gavin Cabrales and Nathaniel Harwood won first place!

The Utah Treasurer’s Investment Challenge is a 10-week simulation of Wall Street investing that provides a framework for Utah students to learn about the U.S. economy and financial markets.

During the game, students invest a hypothetical $100,000 in common stocks and diversified investment funds traded on major exchanges. Teams are ranked based on the ending value of their investment portfolios.

Treasurer Marlo M. Oaks said, “I appreciate the efforts of our teachers to help improve the financial knowledge of our next generation, and I’m proud of the students for their hard work.”

Congratulations to Gavin and Nathaniel along with their advisor, Brittany Smith! Keep up the great work.