Fort Herriman Middle School Carries on Long Tradition of Amazing Musicals

Students on stage in Newsies Jr.They have been producing some pretty amazing musicals for more than a decade now at Fort Herriman Middle School and this year is no exception. Theater teacher Kala Martin is the driving force behind the shows and has been producing them for 11 years with retired teacher Stacy Thackeray by her side. Tanner Sumens, a talented dancer and choreographer, has been sharing his talents helping with the shows for six years.

This year the students took to the stage in an incredible performance of the Broadway musical, Newsies Jr. They sang their hearts out in amazing costumes surrounded by Broadway-like props and a wonderful set design.

Thanks to Kala Martin, Stacy Thackeray and Tanner Sumens for working tirelessly preparing students to be in the spotlight and giving them an opportunity to shine.

Congratulations to everyone involved on a fabulous performance and a job well done!

West Jordan High Students Turn Classroom into Courtroom for Business Law Class

Classroom turned into courtroomTyler Cornia wanted to give his Business Law students an authentic lesson in how the justice system works. So, he decided to turn a large classroom into a courtroom and conduct a mock trial. The students were given the summary of a criminal case, which was based on an actual murder trial. Students were divided into prosecution and defense teams, and the jury. They worked with real attorneys to prepare their cases and present arguments before the jury, and a real judge, U.S. Magistrate Judge Dustin Pead presided over the trial. In the end, the jury delivered a not guilty verdict in the mock trial and the defense team won.

It was a hands-on lesson in how real criminal trials are run and what goes into preparing and arguing a case in the courtroom. Thanks to Mr. Cornia for giving students a valuable, memorable, real-world experience in the classroom.

Aspen Elementary Teachers and Staff Perform Fun Flash Mob to Motivate Students

Teachers and staff performing a flash mobIt was a fun and lively way to motivate students to do their best. Principal Suzie Williams along with teachers and staff at Aspen Elementary School held a RISE kickoff assembly hoping to inspire students to work hard and be successful with end-of-the-year assessments. They performed a flash mob to a rap song written by one of the teachers. Students were cheered on by teachers and staff with pom poms as well. South Jordan Mayor Dawn Ramsey even stopped by to give the students some words of encouragement.

Best of luck to students at Aspen with their assessments and thanks to teachers and staff for finding a fun way to motivate the young learners.

Students and Staff Participate in Statewide Utah ShakeOut

Students participating in Utah ShakeOutIt was an opportunity to practice how to stay safe in the event of an earthquake. Students, teachers, and staff throughout the District participated in the Utah ShakeOut. At Columbia Elementary School they did a great job following instructions to “Drop, Cover, and Hold On” during the drill.

Approximately one million Utahn’s participated in earthquake drills at work, school, or home, practicing earthquake safety and other aspects of their emergency plans.

Participating is a great way for everyone to be prepared, survive, and recover quickly from big earthquakes wherever you live, work, or travel.