Congratulation to Recipients of the First Ever JSD “Jordy Awards” for Outstanding School Counselors

They are dedicated, hard-working, kind, and always have the best interest of students at heart. Some school counselors are being recognized for all they do supporting students on a daily basis with the inaugural “Jordy Awards.” This is a districtwide, counselor nominated award and the nominees are voted on by school counselors as well.

Congratulations to the following 2023 “Jordy Award” winners:

  • Natalie Bartholomew, Counselor, Herriman Elementary School
  • Jody Jensen, Counselor, Copper Mountain Middle School
  • Alyson Law, Counselor, Fort Herriman Middle School
  • John Blodgett, Counselor, Mountain Ridge High School

Keep up the amazing work! You all make us very proud.

Foothills Elementary School Student is a “Walk & Roll Challenge” Winner

Arett AndersonIt is a contest that rewards students for walking and biking to school with safety in mind. The “Walk & Roll Challenge” is sponsored by Safe Routes Utah and encourages K-8 students to keep track of the days and time spent each month walking and biking to school. Students who log the most days and time are eligible to win some pretty cool prizes.

This month, Foothills Elementary School third-grader, Arett Anderson is a winner in the challenge. Arett was surprised at school with the award and received a brand new scooter and helmet. The idea behind the “Walk & Roll Challenge” is to instill safety in students who walk or bike to school.

Congratulations, Arett! Keep up the great work helping everyone to remember safety first as they make their way to and from school.

Local Salon Treats Students at South Valley School to Hair and Makeup for “Spring Fling” Dance

It was a day and night to remember for students at the South Valley School. The school held its annual “Spring Fling” dance on Friday night and a local hair academy volunteered precious time and talents to make sure everyone looked their very best for the night of dancing, pictures, refreshments, and having fun with friends.

The Taylor Andrews Academy of Hair Design was at South Valley all morning on Friday giving students the opportunity to have their hair styled, makeup, and nails done for the dance. It was a big act of kindness that made students look and feel their very best for their night to remember. The theme for this year’s dance was “A Walk in the Clouds.” Teachers, staff, and school alumni attended, along with current South Valley students.

Everyone danced the night away making cherished memories. Thank you to Taylor Andrews Academy of Hair Design for their generosity and caring about South Valley students!

Amazing Jordan Virtual Learning Academy Student Artwork on Display at Bluffdale City Hall

Art On DisplayThey are creative, colorful, thought-inspiring pieces of student art and they are on display in the lobby at Bluffdale City Hall. All of the works of art are from students at Rocky Peak Virtual Elementary School, Kelsey Peak Virtual Middle School, and Kings Peak High School.

The Art Show will be available for public viewing through Friday, May 5, 2023.

Congratulations to all of the talented student artists at the JVLA for creating such beautiful art!

Join Us at the 2023 ChamberWest Community Job Fair for Students and Adults

ChamberWest Flyer for Job FairAre you looking for an internship, a job, or a new career? Join us for the ChamberWest Job Fair on Thursday, April 20 from 2 – 6 p.m. at Copper Hills High School, 5445 Copper Hills Parkway, West Jordan. There will be more than 85 top employers in various industries looking to hire employees and/or interns, with some doing on the spot hiring. There is NO COST to participate. Come dressed for success! (Business Casual attire)

Jordan School District students can get more information by contacting their school’s Counseling Center.

More details about the Job Fair can also be found at