Midas Creek Students Participate in Service Project, Giving from the Heart

Midas Creek students showing off their service project workIt was supposed to be a class party, but it turned into a service project. Midas Creek Elementary School teacher Megan Metcalf told her students they could have a Valentine’s Day class party if they completed 100 acts of kindness. The students went well above and beyond their goal, completing nearly 800 acts of kindness.

As part of the party, the class decided to work on a service project making hygiene kits, winter kits, and blankets for refugees in the area and abroad. They assembled the kits and blankets on Valentine’s Day, a true act of kindness coming from the hearts of caring 6th grade students.

Keep up the great work giving back to others Midas Creek!

Join Us in Celebrating National Public Schools Week!

Students with their teacher.National Public Schools Week is a time to celebrate public schools and the administrators, teachers, specialists, parents, education support professionals and school board members who work diligently for our students. They all come together to create opportunities for students, which result in amazing, engaged learning, as well as many other positive experiences for students in classrooms and school buildings every single day.

Thank you to everyone involved in our schools, committed to giving students the best education possible for a promising and bright future.

Custodians, Mechanics, and Many More Take on Monumental Task of Snow Removal at Schools and Offices

Mother Nature gave us mountains of snow and it has been the monumental task of so many dedicated employees to clear sidewalks, parking lots, playgrounds and more.

Thank you to all who have helped in the snow removal process; custodians, mechanics, sweepers, principals, and other staff members. We appreciate all of you, and are so grateful for the enormous time and effort made to make sure the areas in and around our schools and buildings are cleared for students, teachers, and staff.

“All Hands On Deck” Working Hard Clearing Snow for School Buses and Drivers

It is a total team effort at Transportation as school bus drivers, custodians, mechanics, transportation staff and others work hard to clear mountains of snow that piled up in and around Jordan District school buses.

Thank you to everyone involved in the snow removal process, we know it has been a monumental job! We appreciate all of you and your dedication to the job in what has been challenging weather conditions.

Virtual Learning Day on Thursday, February 23

Winter Weather Warning IconDue to adverse travel conditions, snowed-in buses, unplowed streets in many areas of the District, snowdrifts, and unprecedented accumulations of snow on school parking lots and sidewalks, Thursday, February 23, will be a virtual learning day for all students in Jordan School District.

All schools and offices will be closed on Thursday, February 23. 

There will be no in-person learning in our schools on Thursday. No meals, no preschool, and no daycare will be provided. Teachers will be available to meet with students virtually between 10 a.m. and noon. Schools will communicate how to best connect with teachers and will share any additional schedule information.

District crews and contracted services will continue to clear snow throughout the day. We anticipate after-school and extracurricular activities at high schools will proceed on a regular schedule Thursday afternoon and evening.

Elementary Parent-Teacher Conferences can be held virtually or by phone on Thursday, February 23. Schools may reschedule conferences as needed. Conferences will NOT be held in person on Thursday. More information will be provided by your school or teacher.

Secondary classes will resume on a regular late start Friday schedule, February 24. Elementary schools and Kauri Sue Hamilton will not be in session on Friday (as previously scheduled).

Thank you for your understanding and support. Student and staff safety is our top priority.

Debido a las condiciones de viaje adversas, los autobuses cubiertos de nieve, las calles sin barrer en muchas áreas del Distrito, los ventisqueros y las acumulaciones de nieve sin precedentes en los estacionamientos y aceras de las escuelas, El jueves 23 de febrero será un día de aprendizaje virtual para todos los estudiantes del Distrito Escolar de Jordan.

Todas las escuelas y oficinas estarán cerradas el jueves 23 de febrero.

No habrá aprendizaje en persona en nuestras escuelas el jueves. No se proporcionarán comidas, preescolar ni guardería. Los maestros estarán disponibles para reunirse con los estudiantes virtualmente entre las 10 am y el mediodía. Las escuelas comunicarán cómo conectarse mejor con los maestros y compartirán cualquier información adicional sobre el horario.

Los equipos del distrito y los servicios contratados continuarán limpiando la nieve durante todo el día. Anticipamos que las actividades después de la escuela y extracurriculares en las escuelas secundarias se llevarán a cabo en un horario regular los jueves por la tarde y por la noche.

Las conferencias de padres y maestros de primaria se pueden realizar virtualmente o por teléfono el jueves 23 de febrero. Las escuelas pueden reprogramar las conferencias según sea necesario. Las conferencias NO se llevarán a cabo en persona el jueves. Su escuela o maestro le proporcionarán más información.

Las clases de secundaria se reanudarán en un horario regular de inicio tardío el viernes 24 de febrero. Las escuelas primarias y Kauri Sue Hamilton no estarán en sesión el viernes (como estaba programado anteriormente).

Gracias por su comprensión y apoyo. La seguridad de los estudiantes y el personal es nuestra principal prioridad.