Athletics & Activities
Services and Information for athletic departments, parents, and student athletes.
- Comprehensive Balanced Literacy
Provides teachers with background information, training handouts and links about Balanced Literacy.
- Compliance & Legal Services
Ensures that the rights of students, employees, parents and the general public are maintained by providing physical facilities, programs and services which are accessible.
- Computer Support
Find answers, solutions, and tips for your ChromeOS, macOS or Windows devices.
- Educational Support Professionals – Professional Learning
Professional learning is intended to encourage, guide and reward the development of staff members.
- Copyright Guidelines for Faculty & Staff
Contains clarification of policy guidelines for proper use of copyrighted materials.
- Digital Learning
Contains vast information regarding the use of technology in the classroom, curriculum resources, technology planning and how to contact an area specialist.
- Dual Language Immersion Programs
An educational approach in which students are taught curriculum content in a second language.
- Employee Associations & Negotiated Agreements
Professional groups for employees as well as the annual negotiated agreements.
- Grants
Provides information for seeking grants at a local, state and national level to support school improvement efforts.
- Health Services Department
Dedicated to increasing District awareness for the need for health insurance for all students.
- Instructional Support Services
Information about Media Centers and the Instructional Support Center.
- Insurance Services
Information regarding coverage, District contacts, and links.
- Jordan Evaluation Systems
Evaluation information for administrators and employees
- Job Openings
Postings include job descriptions, open and closing dates, and qualifications.
- Instructional Coaching for Teachers
Information for new teachers provided by mentor teachers.
- Our Documents
A national initiative on American history, civics, and service.
- Payroll
Keep your information up-to-date, make additions and changes.
- Research Project Information
Information from the Research Review Committee.
- School Community Council Resources
Materials to help School Community Councils work on local school issues.
- Secretary Info
Directories, forms, and lists for school and department secretaries.
- Staff Development Course Catalog
Enroll for courses that can improve the performance in your department or school.
- Student Safety
Procedures, policies, Incident Command System documents and other safe school resources for students, parents and employees.
- Style Manual
The complete guidebook of editorial style for all District communications.
- Teaching & Learning
Contains links to Curriculum areas, consultants and websites.
- Utah Core Standards
A state curriculum initiative designed to establish a set of clear educational standards for english language arts and mathematics.
- Utah Education Network (UEN)
Resources for Utah teachers.
- Utah’s Online Library
Utah’s online library of electronic resources.
- State of Utah
Links to state government, programs and services.
- Utah State Legislature
Includes information about the state budget, bills, committees, official publications, and contact information for individual legislators.
- West Ed
An agency that works with education and communities to promote excellence, achieve equity, and improve learning for children, youth, and adults.