Walmart Joins Effort to Provide “BED’R HOMES FOR KIDS”

Picture of group with pillows and beddingIt is an effort to make sure Jordan School District students and families sleep a little easier at night. The Jordan Education Foundation launched a new project called “BED’R HOMES FOR KIDS.” The goal is to provide 200 new twin beds for students and families in need.

Now Walmart is stepping in to help. This week representatives from more than a dozen stores showed up to donate bedding, warm blankets and pillows to go along with the beds.

Getting beds to students who may have never had one, will give them a chance at a good night’s sleep and help them to better concentrate in class at school.

Thank you to Walmart and everyone involved in this project, which will improve the lives of students and local families in our communities.

Supercast Episode 122: Keeping Kids Safe on Social Media

Superintendent stands outside the Copper Hills Wellness CenterIt is a challenge facing many parents these days. How to keep kids safe on social media. On this episode of the Supercast, we have a candid conversation with one school psychologist who is working hard to educate parents and others about protecting kids and building trust when it comes to the safe and smart use of social media.

Herriman High Students Create Short Films in Chinese

Screen grabs from Herriman High School MoviesStudents from Herriman High School in the University of Utah Chinese Bridge Program created short Chinese language films with subtitles in both English and Chinese. The films took home awards at both a Jordan District film festival and Herriman High School film festival.

Great job, students, for creating such great films that audiences can enjoy in multiple languages.

You can watch each of the short films with the YouTube links below.

Jordan Family Education Center Winter Quarter Classes

Adults sitting in a classroom Winter quarter classes at the Jordan Family Education Center start today, January 11. The courses offer support services and classes for families and students in Jordan School District free of charge. The classes cover a wide range of topics, including; anger management, social skills, substance abuse, video game addiction, internet safety, and many others.

To see a complete list of classes and to register, follow the link.

Mask Requirement and COVID-19 Updates

Dear Parents,

We want you to be aware of the following updates regarding mask requirements and COVID-19 cases:

Mask Exemptions

  • Jordan School District is following clarification from Salt Lake County which says a doctor’s note is not required for student mask exemptions. The County is concerned that requiring a doctor’s note would place undue burden on our healthcare system, which is already overwhelmed. As a result, a parent signature is now sufficient for a student to receive an exemption to the mask mandate. A physician’s signature is no longer required. The exemption form can be found at the link below:
  • Exemption forms that have already been submitted will continue to be honored.
  • Students are required to wear a mask unless an exemption form is in place.

KN95/N95 Masks

  • If your student would like a KN95/N95 mask, please request one from your school.

COVID-19 Case Count Update

  • The Salt Lake County Health Department is reporting a significant increase in positive COVID-19 cases in schools throughout the District. This is primarily due to the Omicron strain of COVID-19, which is rapidly spreading across the State and nation.
  • At this time, we ask everyone to be extra vigilant by following recommendations to prevent further spread of COVID-19 in the school and community. Taking extra precautions will help in efforts to keep students and staff safe and avoid “Test to Stay” events.
  • For more information on Health Department recommendations, visit:
  • You can monitor COVID-19 case counts at all schools in the District by going to our dashboard found at:

Thank you for your understanding and support as we work together to keep everyone safe.

Queridos padres,

Queremos que esté al tanto de las siguientes actualizaciones con respecto a los requisitos de máscara y los casos de COVID-19:

Exenciones de máscara

  • El distrito escolar de Jordan está siguiendo la aclaración del condado de Salt Lake que dice que no se requiere una nota del médico para las exenciones de mascarillas para estudiantes. Al condado le preocupa que exigir una nota del médico suponga una carga indebida para nuestro sistema de atención médica, que ya está abrumado. Como resultado, la firma de un padre ahora es suficiente para que un estudiante reciba una exención al mandato de máscara. Ya no se requiere la firma de un médico. El formulario de exención se puede encontrar en el siguiente enlace:
  • Se seguirán respetando los formularios de exención que ya se hayan presentado.
  • Los estudiantes deben usar una máscara a menos que exista un formulario de exención.

Mascarillas KN95/N95

  • Si su estudiante desea una máscara KN95/N95, solicite una en su escuela.

Actualización del recuento de casos de COVID-19

  • El Departamento de Salud del Condado de Salt Lake informa un aumento significativo en los casos positivos de COVID-19 en las escuelas de todo el Distrito. Esto se debe principalmente a la cepa Omicron de COVID-19, que se está propagando rápidamente por todo el estado y la nación.
  • En este momento, les pedimos a todos que estén más atentos siguiendo las recomendaciones para evitar una mayor propagación de COVID-19 en la escuela y la comunidad. Tomar precauciones adicionales ayudará en los esfuerzos para mantener seguros a los estudiantes y al personal y evitar eventos de “Prueba para quedarse”.
  • Para obtener más información sobre las recomendaciones del Departamento de Salud, visite:
  • Puede monitorear los recuentos de casos de COVID-19 en todas las escuelas del Distrito yendo a nuestro tablero que se encuentra en:

Gracias por su comprensión y apoyo mientras trabajamos juntos para mantener a todos a salvo.