Today is Giving Tuesday: Join “Christmas for Kids” Helping to Make the Holidays Much Brighter for Teens in Need

Image of Christmas for Kids PosterEvery year the Jordan Education Foundation provides holiday gifts for teens who would otherwise go without in the Jordan School District community through an event called “Christmas for Kids.” This year the Foundation is once again working with Walmart in South Jordan to provide a holiday shopping spree for a record 500 teens in need.

In order to serve the record number of students in need this year “Christmas for Kids” is reaching out to the community for help. Event organizers still need donations for the purchase of gifts and/or adult volunteers to chaperone teens while they shop.

This is an opportunity to bring joy to students who simply need a little extra support this holiday season with the gift of things like a warm coat, hat, shoes, blankets or boots thanks to a caring community.

If you or your organization would like to donate or provide adult volunteers please visit You can also contact the Jordan Education Foundation directly at 801-567-8125.

South Valley School Student Food Drive Is a Big Success Leaving Principal Bouillon Boxed in Her Office

Picture of Principal Boxed in OfficeSouth Valley School students wanted to do something significant to help each other out this holiday season. So, they organized a big food drive for their own school’s Principal’s Pantry, to make sure there would be enough food for families in need over the long winter break. Student body officers also wanted to make a big visual impact by storing everything they collected inside Principal Rita Bouillon’s office and sharing a photo of the growing number of boxes and carts of food each day. The goal was to pack enough food items into Principal Bouillon’s office that she would be boxed in. They accomplished that goal!

Working together, 155 students collected more than 2000 food items to fill the Principal’s Pantry. They also received a $300 cash donation!

Congratulations to all of the students involved on a job well done taking care of families in the South Valley School community. We hope Principal Bouillon works her way out of her office soon.

Supercast Episode 115: The “Turkey Trot” and “Turkey Tunes” Tradition at Golden Fields Elementary School

Superintendent with teachers and students in their turkey outfitsIt has been a beloved school and community Thanksgiving tradition at Golden Fields Elementary. On this episode of the Supercast, we find out why the Turkey Trot and Turkey Tunes play such an important role in the school’s Thanksgiving celebration year after year.

Then, we have some fun with students who show us their home-made talking turkeys and tell us what they are thankful for this year.

Students Growing with Classroom Garden

Ms. Feyereisen 3rd grade classThey are learning a lot about growing in Ms. Feyereisen’s 3rd grade class at Monte Vista Elementary School. Every year the teacher and her students team up to turn a corner of their classroom into an aeroponic garden tower. Ms. Feyereisen has used the garden tower to teach math, science, and writing lessons. At the end of the project, the students make their own salads with the vegetables they have helped to grow.

Great job, Ms. Feyereisen, on finding a unique way of integrating simple tools into everyday lessons.

Supercast Episode 114: Meet the Silverwolf Caucus! (Part 2)

Superintendent looks on as Candice Pierucci looks at her "sample work"They are members of the Utah State Legislature and Riverton High School Silverwolves through and through.

On this bonus episode of the Supercast, we take you back inside Riverton High to once again catch up with the “Silverwolf Caucus.” They are Utah State Representatives, all former Riverton High students. Find out what happens when Representatives Candice Pierucci, Ashlee Matthews, and Jordan Teuscher run into some former teachers as they tour the halls of their alma mater, sharing some laughs and lots of memories along the way.