West Jordan High Wrestlers Spread Message of Kindness During Columbia Elementary School White Ribbon Week Assembly

They are admired for their skills on the mat in competition, but on Monday some West Jordan High School wrestlers took their skills in spreading kindness and antibullying messages to Columbia Elementary School. They helped to lead a White Ribbon Week assembly.

The theme of White Ribbon Week at Columbia is “Not in My School,” and signs are visible throughout the hallways reminding students they should never participate in any kind of bullying behavior whether it is at school, in-person, or online.

The wrestlers talked to students about the definition of bullying and what they should do if they see it happening. They also asked students to take a pledge that bullying will not happen in their school.

Thanks to the West Jordan High wrestlers for inspiring students to be kind and support one another in and outside of school.

Southland Elementary School Celebrates Chinese New Year with Traditions and a Talented Miss Utah

It was a fun and festive night to remember as Southland Elementary School students, teachers, staff, and families joined together to celebrate the beginning of the Chinese New Year. The Chinese New Year is a festival that celebrates the beginning of a new year on the traditional lunisolar Chinese calendar.

Southland’s recent Chinese New Year celebration was organized by the amazing Chinese Dual Language Immersion team, along with students and staff at the school. It was a celebration that was both fun and educational.

Miss Utah Sarah Sun joined Southland with a piano performance and she spoke to those who gathered. Hundreds of people attended to learn about Chinese culture and welcome “The Year of the Dragon.” There was face painting, food trucks, tea ceremonies, calligraphy, Chinese arts and crafts, games, and even a chance for those who attended to learn how to make dumplings and use a Chinese yo-yo!

Jordan School District Superintendent Dr. Anthony Godfrey joined the fun as well as visitors from around Salt Lake County.

Congratulations to everyone involved for such a successful night of celebrating Chinese culture and creating so much fun for families.

If you would like to give your child the opportunity to learn another language, enrollment is open in all Jordan School District DLI programs including Chinese at Southland Elementary School. Enroll your child today at immersion.jordandistrict.org/apply

South Valley School Students Treated to a Broadway Musical Thanks to the Generosity of a Local Theater Group

Their goal is to bring joy to people through music and theater, especially those who might not get the chance to see or attend a Broadway show. The ‘Hands Together Theater Academy’ brought smiles and sheer delight to students at the South Valley School recently with their production of “Joseph and the Amazing Technicolor Dreamcoat.” The group performs for free as a way to serve and give back to the community.

It was a wonderful performance and everyone at South Valley had a great time. At the end of the show, South Valley students were invited up to dance with the actors.

Thanks to the ‘Hands Together Theater Academy’ for giving students an amazing experience and bringing musical theater into their lives.

Riverton High Student Wins Prestigious Award from Utah Theatre Association

Picture of SarahCongratulations are in order for a very talented theatre student at Riverton High School.

Sarah Fullmer, a junior, took 1st place in the 10-minute Playwriting Competition at the Utah Theatre Association’s annual Theatre Conference recently held at Weber State University.

High school students from all over the State of Utah attended and Sarah competed against 55 others in her category, winning a cash prize of $300.00. In addition, Sarah’s play, a mystery titled “9.52” was read at the conference.

We are very proud of Sarah for this amazing accomplishment. Keep up the great work in theatre!

Supercast Episode 229: Falcon Ridge Elementary School Students Become Podcasting Pros

Superintendent with the Falcon Ridge podcasting prosThey are elementary school students who simply love storytelling and getting in front of the microphone to share their stories with anyone willing to listen.

On this episode of the Supercast, we head to Falcon Ridge Elementary School where a student produced podcast called the Junior Falcon’s is giving everyone involved opportunities to tell stories in a way that is fun and educational, fostering new skills they can take into a future careers.

Find out what happens when we show up to do a podcast, on the Junior Falcon’s podcast.