- Principal: Tiffany Smith
- Assistant Principal: Stacie Thompson
- Address: 3448 W. 9800 South, South Jordan, UT 84095
- Phone: 801-446-3200 | Fax: 801-302-4926
- Mascot: Falcons
- School Colors: Silver & Blue
- Home Page: elkmeadows.jordandistrict.org
- Student Achievement
- Boundary Map & Safe Walking Routes
Elk Meadows Elementary was built in 1998 and serves about 650 students in grades K – 6. The school is located in the southwest corner of Jordan District’s boundaries and serves the Garden Grove, Vista Farms, Elk Meadows, Whispering Sands, Ashford Acres, Cameron Park, Edenview, and Hearthstone subdivisions.
The Elk Meadows mission statement is: Elk Meadows falcons are growing to be resilient, lifelong learners. The staff at Elk Meadows works diligently to create a safe, nurturing learning environment where every student can master basic skills and develop their unique talents and abilities through a variety of learning experiences. A strong, positive school climate is established where teachers and parents work in partnership to ensure students gain academic competence, develop social skills, and become responsible citizens.
Students are expected to develop academically and in personal responsibility by being at school and being on time, working to the best of their ability, obeying school rules, and showing courtesy and respect to all teachers and peers. Students are expected to learn self-discipline. If serious problems arise, the student, teacher, parents, counselor and principal work as a team to find the best solution for the student.
- The teacher/student ratio is 1 to 26 in first grade, 1 to 24 in second grade, 1 to 22 in third grade, 1 to 27 in forth grade, 1 to 26 in fifth grade, and 1 to 23 in sixth grade; however, individual class sizes vary. Additionally, Elk meadows houses three specialized support units.
- The faculty has a wide range of backgrounds and talents and is comprised of experienced teachers. Many have advanced degrees and educational endorsements beyond the required teaching certificate. They provide a welcoming environment and strong academic program for our students.
- The established school curriculum meets or exceeds all State and District standards. Teachers collaborate in teams and plan together to ensure that classwork in each grade level is aligned with the State and District Core Curriculum Guidelines and students are provided with a maximum of learning opportunities.
- Elk Meadows has conducted significant in-service programs with the staff to strengthen literacy and math skills for all students. The school has been awarded grants of up to $10,000 to concentrate on reading, science, physical education, and environmental studies.
- Teachers are evaluated regularly with the aim of maintaining high quality instruction in every classroom.
- The research based programs Walk to Read, 95%, Heggerty, Really Great Reading, Reflex Math are used to provide targeted support for students in the areas of math fact fluency and phonics instruction.
- Certified resource teachers, a speech pathologist, and guidance counselor are available to offer a variety of services to our students with special learning needs.
- Technology education plays an active role in our students’ learning. Grades 3-6 are one-to-one with Chromebooks to access within the classrooms. The STEM lab functions to provide our students experience with keyboarding and word processing skills, opportunities for individual and project-based activities in technology, and supportive software in language arts, math, and science. The STEM lab that provides students with additional opportunities within science, technology, engineering and math.
- Elk Meadows is proud to be a training site for student teachers from many local universities. We welcome these teachers and look forward to working with them each year.
- Our Social Skills program is implemented within the instructional curriculum and is designed to assist all students in building social skills and strategies to help them be an effective student. Monthly assemblies are held to recognize our students’ efforts and growth in these areas.
- Our Student Council representatives gain valuable leadership and communication skills as they model appropriate school standards, work to build school pride, and serve others.
- Elk Meadows provides specials rotations with an exceptional certified teacher in theater instruction and dedicated assistants in the PE, library, and STEM lab.
- A before-school choir program is in place and is offered to all interested students 2-6 grades, and a before-school orchestra program is available to students in grades 3 – 6.
- Nutritious, well-balanced breakfasts and lunches are served daily.
- We are fortunate to have an outstanding community base and an active PTA that helps our students succeed in school. Parents are supportive and involved in their children’s education, and members of the PTA spend countless volunteer hours to help provide enrichment activities for students.
- The School Community Council (comprised of neighborhood representatives, teachers, and the principal) assists with planning school-wide projects and regularly gives vital input on important school issues.
- Visitors are always welcome at Elk Meadows and are asked to check-in at the office upon arrival. The Elk Meadows staff is always happy to assist visitors and anxious to help new students feel at home.
RISE is a collection of computer-adaptive assessments given to Utah students beginning in grade 3 (science in grade 4) in English language arts (ELA), math and science. RISE assessments provide questions that assess students’ ability to apply higher-order thinking skills and better emulate real tasks students may encounter in education and in life.
RISE assessments were developed through a joint effort on the part of Utah teachers, parents, test development experts, and the Utah State Board of Education (USBE). The RISE assessment, together with the state’s suite of assessments in grades K-12, provide information to assist in determining students’ progress towards being prepared for college and careers upon completion of secondary school. Due to the school soft closure in March 2020, scores are not available for the 2019-20 school year.
Test Subject | 2018-19 | 2019-20 | 2020-21 | 2021-22 | 2022-23 | 2023-24 |
Language Arts | 53.4% | N/A | 48.1% | 50.0% | 52.9% | 54.6% |
Mathematics | 46.9% | N/A | 51.1% | 48.1% | 46.5% | 56.0% |
Science | 56.5% | N/A | 45.3% | 49.5% | 55.2% | 59.3% |
School Accountability Report Cards
School Accountability Report Cards are issued for each public school once a year by the Utah State Board of Education (USBE). Elementary and middle school report cards have four main grade categories: achievement, growth, English learner progress, and growth of the lowest 25%. High schools have one additional grade category entitled postsecondary readiness. Achievement and growth were calculated from the RISE assessment for grades 3-8 and the Utah Aspire Plus assessment for grades 9-10. The English learner progress category score is calculated from the annual administration of the WIDA ACCESS test, which assesses students’ academic language proficiency in English. For high schools, the postsecondary readiness score is calculated from 11th grade performance on the ACT, advanced coursework performance, and graduation rates. The state’s School Accountability Report Cards are intended to inform educators, parents, and community stakeholders about school performance as they work collaboratively to improve student outcomes. Due to the school soft closure in March 2020, scores are not available for the 2019-20 and the 2020-21 school years.
Category | 2018-19 | 2019-20 | 2020-21 | 2021-22 | 2022-23 | 2023-24 |
Achievement | 29 | N/A | N/A | 28 | 30 | 33 |
Growth | 30 | N/A | N/A | 32 | 34 | 32 |
ELL Progress | 9 | N/A | N/A | 5 | 6 | 7 |
Growth of the Lowest 25% | 17 | N/A | N/A | 15 | 15 | 19 |