Falcon Ridge Elementary

Falcon Ridge
About Falcon Ridge Elementary

Falcon Ridge EmblemFalcon Ridge Elementary is located in West Jordan.  The school sits on a beautiful site at the base of the Oquirrh Mountains and overlooks the Salt Lake Valley.  The school opened July 2008.  The dedicated faculty has a wide range of backgrounds and specialty training.  The focus is on student learning and achievement in the areas of literacy, numeracy and arts integration.

  • General Information
  • Falcon Ridge serves 710 students.  This includes two special needs preschool classes.
  • The school has a clean-line design featuring flexible space classrooms, centrally located media center, spacious gym with stage area, and an up-to-date computer lab.  Each classroom is equipped with audio enhancement and digital projection systems.
  • The teacher/pupil ratio is 1 to 22 in first and second grades, 1 to 23 in third grade, and 1 to 26 in fourth, fifth, and sixth grades.  The actual class sizes vary.
  • A nutritious hot lunch is prepared and served daily.
  • School Highlights
  • Teachers collaborate in Professional Learning Communities to ensure that all students are learning and to give students access to the best talents of each teacher.
  • The curriculum meets or exceeds all district and state requirements.  Teachers use the Balanced Literacy framework to teach reading and writing.  Math is taught using a combination of Investigations and the Scott Foresman/Addison Wesley curriculum.
  • Students have access to the latest technology including computers, mobile writing labs (laptops), and smart boards.  Students work with software in language arts, math, and other curriculum areas.
  • Resource teachers give special help to students who are behind in math or reading.  A Literacy Facilitator and reading assistants provide interventions to strengthen reading skills for students.
  • A guidance specialist is available to provide group or individual counseling.  Speech therapy is also provided for students as necessary.
  • Falcon Ridge has a school choir that allows students in grades K-6 to experience the joy of vocal music and performing as a group.
  • Falcon Ridge students are expected to follow a Code of Conduct for responsible citizens, which spells out expectations for behavior.
  • The school adheres to Jordan District dress, attendance, and discipline standards.
  • The Falcon Ridge Student Council gives students leadership opportunities as they meet to build school pride and serve others.
  • An active PTA and School Community Council assist with school activities and regularly give input on important school issues.

School visitors and volunteers are welcomed and encouraged at Falcon Ridge.  Volunteers support the educational process through their work within the classroom.  Every family that attends Falcon Ridge is encouraged to support their children by working as a team with the classroom teachers as they strive to provide excellent educational opportunities for all children.

Student Achievement

RISE is a collection of computer-adaptive assessments given to Utah students beginning in grade 3 (science in grade 4) in English language arts (ELA), math and science. RISE assessments provide questions that assess students’ ability to apply higher-order thinking skills and better emulate real tasks students may encounter in education and in life.

RISE assessments were developed through a joint effort on the part of Utah teachers, parents, test development experts, and the Utah State Board of Education (USBE). The RISE assessment, together with the state’s suite of assessments in grades K-12, provide information to assist in determining students’ progress towards being prepared for college and careers upon completion of secondary school. Due to the school soft closure in March 2020, scores are not available for the 2019-20 school year.

Test Subject 2018-19 2019-20 2020-21 2021-22 2022-23
Language Arts 46.4% N/A 32.3% 33.9% 40.7%
Mathematics 44.4% N/A 29.6% 35.8% 36.3%
Science 55.9% N/A 38.4% 40.4% 41.7%
School Accountability Report Cards

School Accountability Report Cards are issued for each public school once a year by the State of Utah. Elementary and middle school report cards have four main grade categories: achievement, growth, English learner progress, and growth of the lowest 25%. High schools have one additional grade category entitled postsecondary readiness. Achievement and growth was calculated from the new Readiness. Improvement. Success. Empowerment. (RISE) assessment for grades 3-8 and the Utah Aspire Plus assessment for grades 9-10. The English learner progress category score is calculated from the annual administration of the WIDA test, which assesses students’ language proficiency in English. For high schools, the postsecondary readiness score is calculated from 11th grade performance on the ACT, advanced coursework performance, and graduation rates. The state’s School Accountability Report Cards are intended to inform educators, parents, and community stakeholders about school performance as they work collaboratively to improve student outcomes. Due to the school soft closure in March 2020, scores are not available for the 2019-20 and the 2020-21 school years.

Category 2018-19 2019-20 2020-21 2021-22 2022-23
Achievement 28 N/A N/A 22 23
Growth 30 N/A N/A 36 36
ELL Progress 5 N/A N/A 5 7
Growth of the Lowest 25% 18 N/A N/A 17 16
Boundary Map & Safe Walking Routes