South Jordan Elementary

South Jordan
About South Jordan Elementary

South Jordan Elementary is in the center of a rapidly growing community rich in family traditions and values. Families in the area are supportive of the school system and willingly volunteer hundreds of hours of service to the school each year.

The South Jordan goal is to help students become useful, contributing members of society by teaching academics and responsible citizenship, and by helping each other gain a sense of self-worth.

  • South Jordan Ram EmblemSouth Jordan Elementary serves 1020 students from K-6.
  • The teacher/pupil ratio is 1 to 22.50 in first grade, 1 to 22.80 in second grade, 1 to 24.30 in third grade, and 1 to 26.40 in grades four, five and six. The actual class sizes vary.
  • The curriculum follows state and District guidelines and provides students with a solid foundation in basic skills as well as many opportunities for enrichment experiences.
  • A team of highly trained professionals with diverse talents and interests provides students with a broad range of learning experiences.
  • Teachers are formally evaluated on a regular basis. Improvement in teaching skills, student achievement and self-concept are emphasized.
  • Resource, speech and guidance services are available for students with learning disabilities and handicaps. A qualified resource teacher helps meet the academic and emotional needs of eligible students.
  • Technology training is part of the school curriculum. A computer lab is available to all students in grades K-6. Students learn keyboarding skills, writing skills, problem solving and drills to practice skill improvement.
  • Curriculum improvements and enrichment are top priorities at South Jordan. In recent years, the focus has been on building competency in the basic skills.
  • South Jordan students are expected to share responsibility for learning which includes attending school regularly, being on time and being cooperative and respectful.
  • School lunch is served each day. Lunches are prepared onsite and served in the school cafeteria.
  • Bus service is provided for all students who live 1-1/2 miles or more from school. A large majority of the South Jordan students live within walking distance of the school.
  • South Jordan has an active PTA organization which meets monthly to coordinate school programs and volunteer services.
  • A School Community Council, comprised of community, PTA, and staff representatives, provides input and direction on important school issues.
  • Parents and community members are encouraged to visit the school. Visitors are asked to stop by the office before entering classrooms.
  • Parents are asked to call the school each morning when their child will be absent. The school calls the homes of students who are absent to make certain that they are safe.
  • Teachers provide a positive, nurturing classroom environment where students have opportunities to reach their learning potential. Some 81 percent of our parents rate the school as “Excellent” at helping children think highly of themselves.
  • The Rocky Ram Award, an on-going academic challenge, is given to individuals completing academic task cards. Other gifted and talented programs include Monster Math, World Wonders, Creative Pursuits, Student Treasures and Bare Books, History Fair and Talented Young Authors.
  • South Jordan Elementary was selected as a Utah Centennial School, 1996-1999.
  • In 2000, Marian Jackson, an upper grade teacher, was a recipient of the Huntsman Award for Excellence and teaching.
  • Teachers voluntarily participate in hours of in-service training to improve teaching techniques.
Student Achievement

RISE is a collection of computer-adaptive assessments given to Utah students beginning in grade 3 (science in grade 4) in English language arts (ELA), math and science. RISE assessments provide questions that assess students’ ability to apply higher-order thinking skills and better emulate real tasks students may encounter in education and in life.

RISE assessments were developed through a joint effort on the part of Utah teachers, parents, test development experts, and the Utah State Board of Education (USBE). The RISE assessment, together with the state’s suite of assessments in grades K-12, provide information to assist in determining students’ progress towards being prepared for college and careers upon completion of secondary school. Due to the school soft closure in March 2020, scores are not available for the 2019-20 school year.

Test Subject 2018-19 2019-20 2020-21 2021-22 2022-23
Language Arts 57.9% N/A 55.8% 52.6% 54.5%
Mathematics 54.1% N/A 47.2% 48.5% 47.9%
Science 58.3% N/A 59.7% 55.3% 58.1%
School Accountability Report Cards

School Accountability Report Cards are issued for each public school once a year by the State of Utah. Elementary and middle school report cards have four main grade categories: achievement, growth, English learner progress, and growth of the lowest 25%. High schools have one additional grade category entitled postsecondary readiness. Achievement and growth was calculated from the new Readiness. Improvement. Success. Empowerment. (RISE) assessment for grades 3-8 and the Utah Aspire Plus assessment for grades 9-10. The English learner progress category score is calculated from the annual administration of the WIDA test, which assesses students’ language proficiency in English. For high schools, the postsecondary readiness score is calculated from 11th grade performance on the ACT, advanced coursework performance, and graduation rates. The state’s School Accountability Report Cards are intended to inform educators, parents, and community stakeholders about school performance as they work collaboratively to improve student outcomes. Due to the school soft closure in March 2020, scores are not available for the 2019-20 and the 2020-21 school years.

Category 2018-19 2019-20 2020-21 2021-22 2022-23
Achievement 32 N/A N/A 30 30
Growth 24 N/A N/A 34 33
ELL Progress 4 N/A N/A 5 6
Growth of the Lowest 25% 13 N/A N/A 15 14
Boundary Map & Safe Walking Routes