West Jordan Elementary Students Inspired to Write Letters of Thanks to Local Postal Carrier

They are hundreds of cards and letters written by students at West Jordan Elementary School after Media Specialist Trina McCleary, read them the book “Sincerely, Emerson.” The book follows eleven-year-old Emerson Weber as she writes a letter of thanks to her postal carrier, Doug, and creates a nationwide outpouring of love. It is a story of gratitude, hope, and recognition for all the essential helpers seen every day, and all those who go unseen.

After reading the book, students throughout the school were inspired, with the support of Mrs. McCleary, to write and deliver notes of appreciation to their own mail carrier, Mitchell, who delivers mail to West Jordan Elementary School. In fact, they presented Mitchell with hundreds of cards and notes thanking him for the hard work he does every day, despite the weather that may come his way.

Way to go West Jordan Elementary students! We love this lesson in gratitude.