South Hills Middle School Tiger Squad Walking to Save Lives and Lift Others

Tiger SquadThey are kind, caring, and determined to spread hope throughout the community. The South Hills Middle School Hope Squad participated with other community members in the annual “Out of the Darkness Suicide Prevention Walk.” They walked hoping to bring suicide awareness and prevention to the community, encouraging everyone to be trained in awareness and recognizing signs for prevention.

During the “Out of the Darkness” event, students and teachers were able to meet with
community mental health resources like SafeUT, the Hope Squad booth, Valley Behavioral
Health, and Promise to Live. They learned about all the options available to anyone who is in need and the students reached their goal of gathering more than 100 signatures on a South Hills community banner showing support for their work and bringing awareness to the forefront.

Hope Squad members take great pride in helping to make a difference in their community. Sarah Carter said “I like that no one ever makes fun of me for being willing to participate in the Hope Squad here, and that everyone was willing to sign the poster and wanted to learn about what we are doing here in our school’s Hope Squad.” Nolan Astin, another Hope Squad member, said “This event is a place where everyone gets to speak their mind and not be judged by what they say or how they feel. “

Congratulations to this amazing group of students and teachers working so hard to bring awareness and prevention in an effort to lift others and save lives.