Copper Hills High School Marching Band Shares Their Love of Music with Elementary School Students

The Mighty Marching Grizzlies performing for elementary school studentsThe Mighty Marching Grizzlies of Copper Hills High School performed field shows across the school’s boundaries for elementary students. The performances are a way to introduce younger students to instruments and music while getting them excited for future opportunities they will have in high school to participate in marching band. 

The group performed their field show, The Last Tango, for students at Hayden Peak, Jordan Hills, Mountain Shadows, Fox Hollow, Oakcrest, and Falcon Ridge. Bad weather forced the cancellation of shows at Antelope Canyon and Copper Canyon, but the band plans to reschedule those performances later on in the school year.  

Thank you to all Copper Hills High School’s Marching Band students and staff who gave their time and skills to educate and excite elementary school students.