Salt Lake City Stars Inspire Elementary School Students to Reach for the Stars with Careers in NBA and Professional Sports

SLC Starts Mascot standing in front of Columbia Elementary Students The Salt Lake City Stars are hoping to inspire students at Columbia and other elementary schools to reach for the stars by pursuing careers in the NBA that don’t involve making free throws, assists, or dunks on the court.

During a fun-filled assembly with the Stars coach, the team Mascot, and others in the basketball organization, students learned about opportunities to work in the NBA and with other professional sports teams in jobs which don’t require you to be a pro athlete. They heard from the team photographer, those in marketing for the Salt Lake City Stars, even learned what it’s like to be a team statistician.

It was also a chance to get 5th grade students excited about their upcoming field trip to see the Salt Lake City Stars play a home game at the Delta Center on January 17 for free. Many of the students have never had the opportunity to experience a professional sporting event.

Thanks to the Salt Lake City Stars for caring about kids and their futures.