Feb. 23, 2021 Board Meeting Summary

Celebrating Bingham High School
Bingham High School student body officers talked about how hard students, teachers and staff have worked to make Bingham High School a fun and meaningful experience for everyone despite the unique and challenging year. They said there is a sense of unity and pride at Bingham which is a school steeped in tradition and lasting legacies. They reported that athletic teams and clubs are doing great this year and they have played an important role in raising school spirit. The students also said they had to delay their annual holiday charity drive but are raising money right now to support a local domestic violence shelter.

Name for New Elementary School in South Jordan
The Board unanimously approved Aspen Elementary School as the name of the new elementary school in South Jordan.

Superintendent’s Report
Dr. Anthony Godfrey, Superintendent of Schools, took time to recognize employees who he said represent great administrators throughout the District. He said the award recipients he was about to introduce, are people who truly care about kids and are focused on what is most important for students and for staff in their schools.

Superintendent Godfrey recognized the following administrators as recent State of Utah award recipients:

  • Eric Price, Outstanding Administrator, Utah Middle Level Association
  • Dixie Garrison, Peggy Lee Rowland Award, Utah Middle Level Association
  • Audrey Fish, 2020 Assistant Principal of the Year, UASSP
  • Todd Quarnberg, Outstanding Administrator, Utah Music Educators Association
  • Patron Comments
  • Natalie Christoffersen, a parent, asked the Board to update and revise what she called the District’s antiquated Controversial Issues Policy. She says the current policy lacks directive.
  • Jill Davis, a parent, asked the Board to support the addition of boy’s volleyball as a UHSAA sanctioned sport.
  • Teresa Atherley, a parent, encouraged the Board to stop soft school closures and use “test to stay” in JSD schools instead.
  • Board Comments
  • Tracy Miller was honored to help judge a “We the People” competition at South Jordan Elementary School and said the students involved were very impressive. Ms. Miller attended a number of elementary school DLI Chinese New Year celebrations and said they were very well done.
  • Darrell Robinson said he enjoyed meeting with school community councils electronically. He applauded Transportation for doing an amazing job handling an emergency situation involving a student on one of Jordan’s school buses. He thanked everyone for rallying to help and taking care of the student.

Closed, Study Session
In closed session, Board members discussed personnel, property, potential litigation, negotiations and security.

In open session, the Board reviewed survey results for naming the new elementary school in South Jordan and received information on the Panorama data dashboard. They also received an update on the Calendar Committee, legislative proposals, the pandemic response and discussed the future of Educator Grants. The Board received a report on the focus of three Board committees including Finance, Facility and Government Relations.

– Sandy Riesgraf, Director of Communications

Board of Education
Tracy J. Miller, President – Precinct 3
Bryce Dunford, First Vice President – Precinct 5
Marilyn Richards, Second Vice President – Precinct 4
Jen Atwood, Member – Precinct 7
Niki George, Member – Precinct 6
Darrell Robinson, Member – Precinct 1
Matthew Young, Member – Precinct 2