Students Find Success in First Lego League Qualifier

Picture of competitorsThey have worked hard all year and their efforts are paying off in competitive play.

Last weekend two teams from Ridge View Elementary School, the “Rapid Raptors” and “Imagination Creation” along with one team from Monte Vista Elementary School/South Hills Middle School, “Taquito Kings” competed at the First Lego League Qualifier. It was a tough competition against 27 other teams from around the state.

The “Taquito Kings” placed in the top three in Project and won a trophy.

The “Rapid Raptors” and “Imagination Creations” both placed in the top three of Core Values and both took home a trophy. The “Rapid Raptors” qualified for State and will now compete later this month at Weber State University.

We are very proud of the students on all three teams. Congratulations we wish you continued success!

Sheriff’s Office and Unified Police Honor Oquirrh Elementary Hero in the Classroom

Students watch as the Salt Lake County Sheriff's Department Doug Fenton presents Kristine Parker with an awardThe Salt Lake County Sheriff’s Office is joining forces with the Unified Police Department in recognizing individuals who are making a big difference in the classroom right now. Today, they showed up at Oquirrh Elementary School to honor Kristine Parker as a “Hero in the Classroom,” because of her work and dedication to children.

Kristine is a 25-hour aide in kindergarten classes at Oquirrh, and she also helps with Walk to Read groups. Principal Shauna Worthington says Kristine has been an amazing resource for  students and is practically an additional teacher because of her many contributions in the classroom. Principal Worthington says during times of virtual learning, Ms. Parker taught small groups or individual students online and helped pass out meals when they were being delivered  at a bus stop in her neighborhood. Kristine Parker is described as amazing and totally worth celebrating.

Because of her efforts on behalf of students and education, Ms. Parker was presented with a special gift card purchased using donations from officers and staff in the Sheriff’s Office and Unified Police.

Thank you to our friends and heroes in law enforcement for taking care of educators!

Schools Have Fun Celebrating National Read Across America Day

It was a day for students, teachers, staff, community members and the Superintendent of Schools to come together participating in a really fun activity, reading. National Read Across America Day was established in 1998 to help get kids excited about reading. The day occurs each year on the birthday of children’s book author Dr. Seuss.

At Heartland Elementary School, students in every classroom had the opportunity to read a famous tale from a Dr. Seuss book. Members of the community and Superintendent Anthony Godfrey joined in the fun, reading to students.

At Foothills Elementary they celebrated the joy of reading as well with an annual tradition started by Principal Wilson. All of the classes partner up with their buddy classes in the hall and read books for 20 minutes. The school’s awesome nutrition manager and workers made sugar cookies for all the kids and staff, and the cookies were passed out to students reading in the hall.

We hope you enjoy a book and celebrate reading every day!

Mountain Creek Middle Celebrating Becky Hunsaker, “Wasatch Front Counselor of the Year”

Picture of Becky HunsakerShe is described as an obvious and natural leader who cares about students. Please join us in congratulating Becky Hunsaker who was just recognized as a “Wasatch Front Counselor of the Year.”

Ms. Hunsaker has been a school counselor for 5 years and she created and led the “Choose Kind” student ambassador program at Mountain Creek Middle School. She also hosts after- school “Choose Kind” events for the community to build connections with the school.

Becky’s positive influence creates a culture of support and advocacy for all students at Mountain Creek Middle.

Keep up the great work, Ms. Hunsaker. We are proud of the impact you have on students and staff at Mountain Creek Middle and beyond!

Congratulations: West Jordan High School Student Athletes Sign Letters of Intent of College

Students at West Jordan High School posed for pictures as they signed letters of intent to colleges around the county. Student-athletes who have verbal offers from college coaches make their athletic scholarships official by signing their National Letter of Intent. February 2nd marked the first day of the signing period, and is marked by celebrations, reveals, and often some college gear.

Congratulations to the following West Jordan High School student athletes who participated in the initial signing day and are headed to the following schools:

  • Baseball
    • Kameron Batholomew, Williston State
    • Jack McQueen, Williston State
    • DeAngelo Pavone, Williston State
  • Football
    • Anthony Macedo, Garden City Community College
    • Allan Moea’I, Garden City Community College
    • Aleka Leausa, Southern Utah State University
  • Volleyball
    • Mua Letoi, San Diego Christian College