Financial Facts from the Board: Assessed Valuation Per Student

Did you know our assessed valuation per student is well below the State average?
The assessed valuation per student is the total of all taxable property values in the District divided by the number of students districtwide.

Jordan’s assessed valuation per student is $442,815. That is about half of the state average.

Assessed Valuation

Assessed Valuation Per Student

Want to know more about how District Dollars are working for you?  Please visit our Financial Facts from the Board of Education page.

Amazing Majestic Elementary School Student Artwork Featured in BYU Art Exhibit

Picdture of artThey are unique, colorful and beautiful pieces of art created by Majestic Elementary Arts Academy students as young as kindergarten. The pieces are so impressive they were selected to be part of a children’s art exhibit which will be on display for an entire year at BYU’s David O. McKay School of Education.

The Children’s Art Gallery is part of the BYU-ARTS Partnership which strives to promote teachers as well as increase instruction for them according to program coordinator, Doug Allen.  The art display also gives young artists recognition, validation and encourages them to continue pursuing their love of the arts.

Thanks to BYU and all of the teachers at Majestic Elementary Arts Academy for making this opportunity happen for our amazing students.

Sheriffs Department and Unified Police Department Hold Parade for South Valley Students

A student meets a Salt Lake County Sheriff's Mascot Students at South Valley School were surprised with a parade and party from the Salt Lake County Sheriff’s Department and Unified Police Department. Officers paraded their vehicles around the school and then allowed the students to tour the fleet and meet the officers who drive them. In addition, students were treated with snowcones and photo ops with the department’s mascots.

Thank you to everyone in the Salt Lake County Sheriffs Department and Unified Police Department who spent time with students from South Valley School and made this incredible opportunity happen.

One of the Largest Family Fun Runs in State Organized to Benefit Teachers

Picture of Fun RunThey were running, climbing, jumping, crawling, and making their way through mud, all to benefit teachers and kids in the classroom. The Jordan Education Foundation Challenge Run brought families throughout the area together, along with teams of teachers and students all competing in a fun obstacle course, while raising money for classroom supplies and other needs to support teachers throughout Jordan School District.

Local businesses, food vendors and community leaders were also be on hand, hoping to make the event a big win for teachers, students and education.

Congratulations to everyone involved for making this event such a success!

Blackridge Elementary School Transforms into the Wizarding School of Hogwarts

It was a labor of love once again for the third-grade teaching team at Blackridge Elementary School as they worked tirelessly and with great enthusiasm to transform their school into the fantasy land of Hogwarts. The creations are a part of Harry Potter ‘Fantasy Week’ at the school and brought big smiles and delight to students, teachers and staff. Even Superintendent Godfrey joined in the fun along with Principal Dave Butler who dressed up as Professor Snape showing students how to create a “crystal ball” that would briefly let them look into the future.

Everywhere you turned there were signs of Harry Potter and his wizarding world including students dressed as the famous wizard with glasses, robes and lightning bolt scars on their foreheads. Students attended potions class and also received a wand of their own. And, a day in the life of Harry Potter couldn’t go without playing a game or two of Quidditch.

We raise our wands to the third-grade teaching team for making this year’s ‘Fantasy Week’ one for the books. Well done wizards!