Valentines Travel Cross Country to Columbia Elementary School Students

Picture of Valentines and mapThey are loving the lessons a Valentine Exchange is bringing to students in Angela Drope’s 3rd grade class at Columbia Elementary School. Mrs. Drope decided it would be fun to participate in a cross-country Valentine Exchange. Her students designed home-made cards with letters about their class, which were mailed to students in 25 classrooms around the country. Mrs. Drope’s students received Valentines and letters in return and they are learning about students who live in the 25 other states.

The Valentines from students in other states are on display for everyone to enjoy at Columbia, along with a map of the United States with little heart markers to show where all the Valentines came from.

Even the front office staff have enjoyed waiting and watching for the Valentines to arrive.

Great job, Mrs. Drope on creating a Valentine’s Day experience students and staff won’t soon forget.

Welby Elementary Teacher Turns Math Class into Secret Agent Lab

Ms. Smith and students from Welby Elementary participating in a Secret Agent Math LabMichelle Smith is known for bringing lessons in her Welby Elementary School classroom to life. She is often dressed up as historical figures or turning textbook lessons into hands-on projects. This week’s math lesson was no different; with blacklights, string, sunglasses, and notecards paid for by generous donors through Donors Choose, Ms. Smith turned her classroom into a “secret agent lab.”

During the project, students, also known as agents, were tasked with helping to find the school’s mascot, “Agent Whiskers,” by solving math problems. The secret agent illusion included lasers made of string and clues hidden around the room in the form of math problems. Each math problem the students solved helped decode a message that would tell them the location of Whiskers.

Great job, Ms. Smith, for making your classroom and lessons engaging and fun for students. We know your students are benefiting greatly from your creativity.

Happy Valentine’s Day!

From creative cards, to fun classroom celebrations, door decorating contests and more, students, teachers and staff shared lots of love and acts of kindness on this Valentine’s Day.

At Daybreak Elementary School, students learned about proper dancing etiquette and had fun learning a few new dance moves.

Happy Valentine’s Day, everyone. We LOVE our students, teachers, staff and education.

Employees, Students and Parents Participate in Health & Wellness Day Activities

Jordan School District Staff in a Yoga ClassThey enjoyed wellness yoga, zumba, art activities and classes like Stress Busters. On Friday, Jordan School District employees were offered a variety of ways to help manage the added stress many are feeling right now due to a very challenging year in education. Friday, February 11, was converted into a Health & Wellness Day for employees, students, and families in place of the Flex Friday previously scheduled.

Resources were made available throughout the day to help everyone focus on their physical, mental, and emotional well-being. Zoom classes on stress management, dealing with anxiety, classroom management, and others were offered, along with in-person activities designed to help staff connect with other employees and for physical health and wellness.

The District also provided families with information and activities for students of all ages to help them focus on their own health and wellness. The resources were made available so parents could make choices about what would be most helpful and appropriate for members of their individual families.

A big thank you to all of our community partners who stepped up and supported the Health & Wellness Day by offering things like free use of gyms, cycling classes and jazzercise.

Utah PTA Honors Bingham High School’s Momma Jo for Starting Kindness Movement

Picture of Momma Jo and Golden Gate It was a day to recognize and honor someone known in the halls of Bingham High as Momma Jo. For years, Jolynne Ward has been a fixture in finding the good and sharing it among students and staff.

Now Momma Jo is being honored by the Utah PTA as a “Forces for Good” award winner for starting the “Golden Gate” movement. Jolynne started the very first Golden Gate Club at Bingham High School out of a desire to spread smiles among students and provide opportunities for them to connect with peers and school.

As part of the PTA “Forces for Good” award, Jolynne was recognized for her efforts which have moved countless others, changing people long after the initial impact.

Congratulations, Momma Jo! Keep up the great works spreading smiles and changing lives.

Thank you, Utah PTA, for recognizing positive people doing good work impacting students, teachers and staff in our schools.